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Staff Maintenance: Staff Search

Staff Search Panel

The Staff Search panel is located on the left side of the page and works similarly to the Student Search function you've probably used. It consists of the Search Criteria section and Search Results list. The Regular search view displays by default when the page loads. You can switch views using Advanced and Regular buttons.

Define the Search criteria and use the Search button to get a list of staff that matches your criteria.

Section Controls

Regular Search


This section is displays only when you have both privileges to maintain school and board staff.    
Selecting the School option allows you to search and maintain school staff in the selected school and year. 
Selecting the Board option allows you to search and maintain staff in your board. If you would like to select staff assigned to another board, use the advanced option to select a board from the list of available boards. 
If you have one privilege, to either maintain board or school staff, this section will be hidden and the system will allow the user to search and maintain only staff based on the privilege assigned.       


Identifies the status of the displayed staff. 
Active Select this box to include active staff in the selected school and year when searching for matching staff. 
Inactive Select this box to include inactive staff in the selected school and year when searching for matching staff.

For school staff:

The status is calculated using the Start and End dates allocated on the staff assignments for a school, compared to the system date. Staff with future Start Dates are considered Inactive. If you're working in the Next Year school year, any staff member with Start Date equals the Start Date of the next school year are considered Active. Staff are considered Inactive if their Start Date is after the next school year's Start Date.

 For board staff:

The status is calculated from the status indicator field allocated on the board assignment record. All statuses other than "Active" are considered Inactive

Preferred Surname

Enter the staff preferred surname. You can also enter part of a surname, and the resulting list will show every staff member whose name begins with those letters. This field is not case sensitive, so "a" and "A" will both find the same list of staff. You can search on this field along or in conjunction with Preferred First Name.

Preferred First Name

Enter the staff preferred first name. You can also enter part of a first name, and the resulting list will show every staff whose name begins with those letters.  This field is not case sensitive, so "a" and "A" will both find the same list of staff. You can search on this field along or in conjunction with Preferred Surname.

Advanced Search


Use this option to identify if you would like to search using preferred or legal names.


Use this field to search staff by a specific gender.


Use this field to search staff by a specific, valid, staff number.

Staff type

Use this field to search staff by a specific staff type.


Use this field to search staff by a specific, valid, MEN (Ministry Educator Number). You cannot find staff with only a partial MEN.

Selected Staff

The right side of the page displays information regarding the selected staff. There are six accordion bars of information under the header area.

The header includes a staff picture, if available. The staff name, status in the selected school and year, staff number and MEN (Ministry Educator Number) also display.

 Click Save to save your changes.

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