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Staff Maintenance: Add Staff


Add staff functionality is used to add a school staff member to the school and school year selected in the module header (top, right) and/or add a new staff member to your board or any other board.

Staff Search Panel

The Staff Maintenance page defaults to Maintain Staff (blue letters on a gray background). Just above those two words, click the triangle to the right of Staff Maintenance and choose Add Staff from the picklist. 

The Staff Search panel is located on the left side of the page. It consists of the Search Criteria section and Search Results list. The regular Search view displays by default when the page loads. You can switch views and get more filters to define your search by clicking Advanced.

Define the search criteria – note the filters default to Preferred Surname and First Name. Then, click Search to get a list of staff that matches your criteria.

The search functionality is very similar to when you are searching for a staff member to maintain (your other choice at top, left). The main difference is that when you search for a staff member to add, Trillium searches the whole database to find the staff – regardless of the staff status (Active or Inactive ) or the staff type ( school staff or board staff).
When Search Results shows you some names, you will have two options:

  1.  Click on an existing staff member from the list and then navigate to that staffer's School Assignments accordion bar at right to add a school assignment in your school; or to the Board Assignments  accordion bar to add that staffer to your board or to any other board.
  2.  Click New to display the ADD STAFF pop-up window, which allows you to add a new staff member to your school. or to your or any other board.

Add School/Board Staff Popup

Based on your security privileges, through this page you will be able to add and assign new staff to your school and school year, or add and assign a new staff member to a board.
Popup Controls

Legal Name


Enter the staff Legal surname. Required.

First Name

Enter the staff Legal First name. Required.

Middle Name

Enter the staff Legal middle name.

Preferred Name


Enter the staff Preferred surname. Required.

First Name

Enter the staff Preferred First name. Required.

Middle Name

Enter the staff Preferred middle name.

Demographic Information


Use the picklist to indicate the staff gender.

Birth Date

Enter, or select from the calendar the staff date of birth.


Enter the staff number. This number must be unique. Required


Enter the Ministry Education Number. Required.

Staff Type:

This field is only available if you have privileges to add school staff, as well as board staff.
Select either board staff or school staff.

School Assignment

This title and the following is only visible if the School Staff radio button is ON or if you have the privilege to add school staff, but do not have the privilege to add board staff.


Display-only field: Pre-populated with the school name selected in the module header. i.e you are allowed to add staff only to the school selected in the module header.


This is the list of BSID's available for the displayed school. It is prepopulated with the school default BSID. Required.


Display-only field: Pre-populated with the year selected on the header of the module.
I.e. you are allowed to add staff only to the school selected in the module header. 

 Department Head

This is a picklist of department heads defined for the displayed school.
Disabled if the board preference is to remove access to department head; otherwise, enabled.

Staff Type

This is a picklist of active staff types defined in Trillium. Select the staffer's position in your school. Required.


Enter the FTE. The total number of FTE for all schools assigned to the user (excluding Con-Ed schools) must not exceed 1.0. Required.

Start Date

Enter or select the date on which this assignment takes effect. This field defaults to start date of the school year. However, the Start Date can be set to a future date but only within the start and end date of the school year. Required.

End Date

Enter or select the date on which this assignment is no longer valid. This date defaults to the end date of the school year. However, the end date can be set to any other date within the school year, but must be greater than the start date of the assignment. Required.


Click Save to add the new staff member and display their record in maintain mode, which allows you to the rest of their information.

Board Assignments

This title and the following is only visible if the Board Staff radio button is ON or if you have the privilege to add board staff, but do not have the privilege to add school staff.


Select the board to assign to the staff


Select the status of the staff in this board assignment. Any status other than active will be considered inactive in Trillium


Select the position of the staff in the board from the list of available positions. 

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