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EAS: Progress Report Card Message

This is the third accordion bar when you select Build Elementary Achievement - Board.
This screen is used to enter text for display on the Progress Report Card. The text entered will populate either the text box on Page One of the Report Card or the text box on Page Two of the Report Card, dependent on the selections made. The box size differs between English and French, and Catholic and Public schools and is calculated dynamically.

Page Controls

Page One Box

The size of this text box differs between English and French, and Catholic and Public; and will be calculated dynamically.

Maximum rows in the box: {0}

Shows the maximum number of rows, 19, allowed for the comment.

Rows left for the message: {0}

The number of rows remaining for the message. This number will be calculated after a character is added or deleted.

Page Two Box

The size of this text box differs between English and French, and Catholic and Public; and will be calculated dynamically.

Maximum rows in the box: {0}

Shows the maximum number of rows, 22, allowed for the comment.

Rows left for the message: {0}

The number of rows left for the message. This number will be calculated after a character is added or deleted.

Command Buttons


Updates the comments for all schools in the board.

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