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TWebBoard: Update v.5.40.00


  TWebBoard 5.40.00 - March 2017


 TWebBoard v.5.40.00 is compatible with Core Trillium v.3.15.25 and up. This release includes the following products:
  • TWebESL;
  • TWebBGT;
  • TWebIS (Integration Service);
  • TWebGLW;
  • TWebPurge.

OS Certification 

PowerSchool is pleased to announce that TWebBoard v.5.40.00 application has been certified for Java 8 and Tomcat 8. During the transition time period of March - September 2017, TWebBoard v.5.40.00 can be run either on Tomcat 7 or Tomcat 8. We will continue to release upgraded Trillium web-based applications according to our March, 2017 roadmap.

We strongly recommend that you do not install both the new and previous versions of Tomcat and Java on the same system. We have not tested such a configuration and therefore do not support it.

Browser Compatibility  

Starting with version 5.40.00, our application does not support Internet Explorer versions 7, 8, 9; and IE 10 and 11 Compatibility View. TWebBoard is fully certified with Windows 10 operating system internet browser Microsoft Edge.

In order to print TWebESL reports from Chrome browser, the user should allow pop-ups, which are blocked by default. Please refer to for instructions.

 A word about Apache Struts 2

 This Update includes the upgraded Apache Struts 2 libraries which eliminate the March 2017 vulnerability.  You do not need to apply our previously issued Apache Struts 2 patches after you run this update.

Release Notes

ModuleFunctionDetailsClient Ticket #


ESL/ELD Trillium Tracking Form

For students having several ESL assessments, the application printed the Support End Date of the first entry in the ESL Demit/Ext summary field. We fixed that. The ESL Demit/Ext date is now set to the last date of completed Course, or it’s empty if the Course has been re-started. 



Edit Student or Contact Address

We fixed the Edit Address page; it displays correct address type (Civic or Rural).



Recipients page

If you tried to save the page without selecting Recipient Type (a mandatory field), the application crashed and returned to login page. Now, if you attempt to save without recipient type, an error message Recipient Type is required displays.


Security page

In some situations, you could not save a new task working in an IE browser. On saving, a message "Database SQL error"  appeared. We fixed that so you can add a new task added without issue. 

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.