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Secondary Achievement Setup: Report Card Layout

In Secondary Achievement Setup, you have hovered over Build Secondary Achievement, then clicked Report Card Layout.

Initial State

Select Report Period: The drop-down list is pre-populated with the Report Periods defined on the Report Period page. Report Period "F" is selected by default.      
Select Layout: This list is empty by default
Maintain Report Card Layout: The Add button is only enabled if a Report Period is selected. The Save and the Delete buttons are only enabled if a layout is selected.

Page Controls

Report Period

The drop-down list is pre-populated with the Report Period defined on the Report Period page. Report Period "F" is selected by default. Every time you select a reporting period, the system displays the list of available layout(s) defined for the selected Report Period.

Select Layout

This is a list of available layout(s) defined for the selected Report Period. Every time a layout is selected, the Maintain Report Card Layout section displays the layout data, allowing you to edit or delete.

Maintain Report Card Layout


This is a mandatory text field that is displayed only for existing rows and is editable for new records. You cannot use duplicate names.


Semester and Non-Semester

Semestered is selected by default.

Non-semestered option is disabled for Report Periods "CI" and "CF."

Used for

 Interim is selected by default. Alternatively, you can select Final.

Print Date for Principal"s Signature

 This checkbox is unchecked by default.

Include Ended Courses

  • A board preference is used to lock this checkbox from being used. 
  • For Report Periods other than "F," "CI" and "CF," this option is disabled and "Off," if Semestered Layout Type was selected. Otherwise, enabled and off by default.
  • For Report Period "F," this option is disabled and set "Off" if Semestered Layout Type was selected. Otherwise, disabled and "On."
  • For Report Periods "CI" and "CF," this option is disabled and "Off."

Progress Report Only

  •  For Report Periods other than "F," "CI" and "CF," this checkbox is disabled and "Off," if Semestered Layout Type was selected. Otherwise, enabled and off by default.
  •  For Report Period "F," this option is disabled and set "Off" if Semestered Layout Type was selected. Otherwise, enabled and off by default
  •  For Report Periods "CI" and "CF," this option is disabled and "Off."

Print Credit Totals Page

  1.  This drop-down list is disabled and set to "Official Version" when Final layout option is selected. Otherwise, it is enabled.
  2.  Default Value = "No" (change from Core Trillium -  currently blank is the default value and blank is no longer an option in the ddl). List is pre-populated with the following Values, displayed in Alphabetical order:
    1.  No = database value 0
    2.  Official Version = database value 2
    3.  Working version = database value 1

Report Period Title

 Text field with no default value.


  Text field with no default value.

For School Use Text

 Text field, limited to 240 characters, with no default value.

Report Periods Mapping

Interim 1

For Semestered Layout:

  • For Report Periods "CI" and "CF," it is a display-only field set to "CI."
  • For other Report Periods, it is an enabled drop-down list populated with a list of the defined Report Periods for the school and year, less the "CI" and "CF" Report Periods, including a blank option and set to blank by default.

For Non-Semestered Layout:

  • For Report Periods other than "CI" and "CF," it is a display-only field set to 1.
  • Interim 2: Displayed only when Non-Semestered Layout is selected. Populated with 2 and disabled.
  • Final: Always displayed.


For Semestered Layout:

  • For Report Periods "CI" and "CF," it is a display-only field set to "CF."
  • For other Report Periods, it is an enabled drop-down list populated with a list of the defined Report Periods for the school and year, less the "CI" and "CF" Report Periods, including a blank option and set to blank by default.

 For Non-Semestered Layout:

For Report Periods other than "CI" and "CF," it is a display-only field set to "F."


Command Buttons


  • This button is disabled if no layout was selected.
  • Checks are made for mandatory fields and for duplicate naming.
  • A message is displayed for both successful and unsuccessful saves.


  • This button is always enabled.
  • A new row is inserted with the name field in edit mode.
  • If pressed when data was not saved on the page, an error message is displayed and the Add process ends.


  • This button is disabled if no layout was selected.
  • A confirmation message is displayed allowing you to confirm the delete of the current layout or cancel the delete process.
  • Layouts can be deleted only if not used as a default layout for any of the Report Periods or the Report Period doesn"t exist in the Define Report Period section.
  • If used, a message is displayed.
  • After successful delete, the page is reloaded and returned to its original state with none of the layouts selected.
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