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TWebSchAdmin Update 5.43.00


TWebSchAdmin v.5.43.00 - October 2020

The server must be running TWebSchAdmin v.5.42.40 before updating to this version.

TWebSchAdmin 5.43.00 is compatible with:

  • Core Trillium v.4.14.00 or higher
  • Landing page v.5.40.60 or higher
  • CAS Central Authorization System v.2.10.00


TWebSchAdmin 5.43.00 download is here.

Release Notes

Several changes in this release are to be used when preparing EQAO's Grade 9 Student data collection files.  Please refer to the PowerSchool Community article for a document with additional details.

FunctionDetailsClient Ticket #JIRA

Add New Student


The Add New Student and Registration pages will now offer a 50 character free text option for Gender Identity when the “Use Gender Identity as Free Text" option in School Preferences has been enabled.

By default, the “Use Gender Identity as Free Text" option is not enabled and the original drop-down list of Gender Identities will continue to display as originally designed.

When the “Use Gender Identity as Free Text" option is enabled, any previously selected Gender Identities will display in the new free text field with the Gender Identity code rather than the original display value.

Once the “Use Gender Identity as Free Text" option in School Preferences has been enabled, it is not recommended that the option be turned off once student free text gender identity data has been entered. Doing this could result in data integrity issues.


Register StudentIn some situations, an end-dated Program triggered a technical error on the student's grade value while attempting to register a new student. This has been corrected.05115078TRILL-9559
RegistrationA new field, 'Attendance Mode', has been added on the Registration page of Student Maintenance to capture how the student will attend school classes during the year. This field is only used for EQAO Grade 9 Math reporting when the School Preference field is set to 'Specify by Student'. Boards can choose to populate this new attendance mode field for all students and use it for their own reporting as well. 

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