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Admin Attendance: Counsellor Contact

In Admin Attendance, the Counsellor Contact page facilitates editing records about counsellor contacts for the selected student. Only users having the Attendance, Counsellor Contact task have access to this page. The Counsellor Contact page is to be used for students who are participating in SAL (Supervised Alternative Learning) as well as those students who are away for a prolonged length of time. When you enter a record for a new contact date, a C appears at the proper Calendar square in the Calendar Profile page.

The Student Search panel is similar to the same panel in the Individual Attendance page but has an additional checkbox, SAL Program, in the Regular Search. When selected, this checkbox indicates the search will be performed on the SAL Program students only.

The Counsellor Contact Details accordion panel contains the grid displaying the history of previous contacts in descending date order. When you click Add, the Counsellor Contact panel expands. Fill in the date of the contact and the comment field. The following validation is required to save your new record. At least ONE of these conditions must be met:

The student is participating in a SAL Program on the date in question
The student is absent for at least one Period on the specified date (for prolonged absence students).
If neither of these conditions are met, the application will save the record.

  • Save does save the modified content, including the new record, in the database with grid validation.
    • Modified grid records will be updated in the database.
    • The page will be re-loaded.
    • The added records will appear in the Counselor Contact Details grid at the proper position in accordance with the contact date. 
  • If there were errors, error messages appear within the section, above the grid.
    • If no any errors have been detected, a message "Successful Save" appears above the grid.
    • If the date in the Date of Contact field is equal to one of the dates in the grid, a warning message "Contact information is already recorded for this date.  Do you want to replace it?" is displayed on saving.
      • If you click Yes, the Counsellor Contact record will be replaced in the database. 
      • If the you click No, the saving operation is interrupted. No changes to the database are made. You can change the date and repeat the saving or just close the Add Counsellor Contact screen. 
  • A record can be saved without a Comment being provided. 
  • You delete records by selecting one or all of them and clicking Delete. The warning message "Do you really want to delete the record(s)?" appears. If you confirm the operation, the selected records are deleted from the grid and the database.

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