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TWebServices Update v.5.40.00


TWebServices 5.40.00 and TWebServices-auth 5.40.00 - April 2017


You need a new TWebServices license in order to install TWebServices v. 5.40.00.

TWebServices v.5.40.00 and twebservices-auth v.5.40.00 (This product is used to provide other Trillium products, such as Via, and other third party tools the ability to authenticate Trillium users.) are compatible with Core Trillium v.3.15.25 and up. 


OS Certification  

PowerSchool is pleased to announce the TWebServices v.5.40.00 application has been certified for Java 8 and Tomcat 8During the transition time period of March - September 2017, TWebServices v.5.40.00 can be run either on Tomcat 7 or Tomcat 8. We will continue to release upgraded Trillium web-based applications according to our March 2017 roadmap.

We strongly recommend that you do not install both the new and previous versions of Tomcat and Java on the same Server. We have not tested such a configuration and therefore do not support it.

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