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Ontario Reporting: Update v.


Trillium Ontario Reporting v. - February 2021


This version is compatible with Core Trillium 4.14.00 and higher


Download Trillium Ontario Reporting v. here.

Release Notes

AreaDetailsClient Ticket #JIRA

For Boards running Core Trillium 4.14.00 or earlier, the Grade 10 OSSLT student extract requires the School Semester Type information to be specified for the selected schools. As a result, the user will need to create separate extracts for schools based on their schedule type (semester, quadmester or octomester).

Boards running Core Trillium 4.14.10 do not have this restriction and can create a single file for all of their secondary schools. The preference setting for School Semester Type introduced in Core Trillium 4.14.10 will be used in place of this new prompt.

EQAOSome students were receiving an invalid error that their cohort was invalid for an adult student. This has been corrected.
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