Admin Attendance: Admit Slips
The page is loaded when you're already in Admin Attendance > Individual Attendance; are displaying a selected student; and you click the Admit Slips tab. The functionality of this page includes display; print and modification of Admit Slip details for the selected student. The page consists of Student Search Panel, Student Info, and three accordion bars for Admit Slip Info, Admit Slip History and Phone Info.
Admit Slip
The Admit Slip section consists of the following elements:
- The current date - The slip can be printed for the current date only.
- The Print Admit Slip button - Clicking this prints the admit slip for today. If the student is not active or today's date is not an attendance day, a corresponding error message appears.
- The Action picklist includes options for Sign In, Sign Out, Late for Class, and Return from Absence.
- If the selected Action is Sign In, Sign Out, or Late for Class, attendance records will be generated and saved.
- There are no records associated with Return from Absence.
- The Reason picklist includes your school or board's list of absence reasons.
- The total numbers in the Admit Slip Total and in the Admit Slip History (second accordion bar) will be increased.
- The Excused check box is disabled when Return from Absence is selected.
- The Time field defaults to the local computer's time at the moment the student is selected. This value is modifiable. This time is printed on the Admit Slip and is used to generate permanent attendance records for the student.
- The Count in Totals check box is disabled whenever the Return from Absence option is selected from the Action frame. The Note check box is defaulted to checked for all Actions except Late for Class.
The Admit Slip Totals group displays the totals to date for admit slips generated for this student for the current year. Until the student has at least one admit slip the field will display zero.
Any Comment you enter will be added to the admit slip and to the attendance records generated when the slip is printed.
Rules to Generate Attendance
The table below summarizes the rules to generate attendance each time an admit slip is produced for a student.
- Action refers to the action selected in the admit slips form.
- Excused flag corresponds to the Excused check box in the form.
- Reason is the reason selected from the picklist.
- Entry time illustrates the end results. Two different values are considered, one in the middle of a morning period (10:00 AM) and one in the middle of an afternoon period (2:00 PM).
- Attendance code is calculated based on the input parameters to generate attendance.
- Entry mode is calculated based on input parameters: Sign in and Sign out actions are translated into the same entry mode; Late for class corresponds to Sign in entry mode.
The expected results for Periods generated are based on input parameters and calculated values for Attendance code and Entry mode.
Action | Excused Flag | Reason | Entry time* | Attendance Code | Entry Mode | Periods Generated | ||
Sign In | AM Period | PM Period | ||||||
Y | ** | 10:00 AM | E | Sign in | Excused 9am-10am | |||
2:00 PM | Excused 9am-12pm | Excused 12pm-2pm | ||||||
N | Ok | 10:00 AM | A | Sign in | Late 9am-10am | |||
2:00 PM | Absent 9am-12pm | Late 12pm-2pm*** | ||||||
Late for class | ||||||||
Y | ** | 10:00 AM | E | Sign in | Excused 9am-10am | |||
2:00 PM | Excused 9am-12pm | Excused 12pm-2pm | ||||||
N | Ok | 10:00 AM | L | Sign in | Late 9am-10am | |||
2:00 PM | Late 12pm-2pm | |||||||
Sign out | ||||||||
Y | ** | 10:00 AM | E | Sign out | Excused 10am-12pm | Excused 12pm-3pm | ||
2:00 PM | Excused 2pm-3pm | |||||||
N | Ok | 10:00 AM | A | Sign out | Excused 10am-12pm | Absent 12pm-3pm | ||
2:00 PM | Excused 2pm-3pm | |||||||
Return from Absence | ||||||||
No attendance is generated |