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Secondary Achievement Setup: Build Achievement & Calculate Attendance

In Secondary Achievement Setup, you've chosen the default tab, Build Secondary Achievement. That tab's picklist has three choices and defaults to define Report Periods. Learn more here

If you unlock (final column at right, then click Save) at least one Report Period, two accordion bars display at the bottom of this screen: Build Achievement and Calculate Attendance and Median for Report Period. Both are explained here.

Build Achievement for (chosen) Report Period:

This section can generate Achievement records for all or selected students in the selected Report Period.

The buttons are enabled ONLY if the School Year setup has been completed and at least one Report Period has been unlocked in the top form on this page.

Generate Achievement: This is the process of creating the selected Report Period and Final records - placeholders for entering student Marks, Learning Skills and Comments from the student Timetable and School Year Setup.

Final Mark/Credits:

  • Calculate: The process of populating the 'F' records with Final Marks, Comments and Learning Skills from the Student Achievement record of the Report Period marked as Final or the Report Period where "early completion course" has been completed.
  • Reset for all students: The process for rolling back the Final Marks and Credits for all students in the selected Report Period.

Calculate Compulsory Credits: Runs the Post Credit function.

Page Controls

All Students

  1.  Radio button to select all students at the school for Achievement generation. Defaults to "Off."

Some Students
(X selected)

  1.  Radio button to select some students at the school for Achievement generation.
  2.  Shows the number of students selected for generation.
  3.  The radio button is enabled only after All Students Achievement records were generated, otherwise it is disabled.
  4.  Defaults to "Off."

Some Course/Sections
(X selected)

  1.  Radio button to select Classes at the school for Achievement generation.
  2.  Shows the number of Course/Sections selected for generation.
  3.  The radio button is enabled only after All Students Achievement records were generated, otherwise it is disabled.
  4.  Defaults to "Off."

Generation, Final Marks and Credits, and Compulsory Credits  (Read only)

  1.  (Last Generated on or Last Calculated on [date] by [user] will display the last date/time when the Achievement records, Final Marks and Credits and/or Compulsory Credits were generated for all students at the school and user who performed the generation.

Command Buttons

Student Search

  •  Click to display the standard Student Search for Multiple Student Selection pop-up, allowing you to select multiple students.
  •  The button is enabled only after all students' Achievement records are generated.
  •  When clicked, the appropriate radio button is selected by default

Course/Section Search

  •  Click to display the Course/Section Selection pop-up, allowing you to select multiple Course Sections.
  •  The button is enabled only after All Students achievement records are generated.
  •  When clicked, the appropriate radio button is selected by default

Generate Achievement

When clicked, the following validations are performed:

    •  The button is visible only if you have the "All Students" and the "Update Flag" values set to "On" for this page.
    •  If the Report Period data in the previous section was not saved, an error message appears. If no Report Period is selected, we display the error message and abort the process.
    •  If "Locked" flag is set 'On,' the generate option is unavailable.
    •  If no students are selected, we display the error message and the process ends.
    •  Checks that "Maintain Date After" has been defined for all Semesters for all Tracks in the selected school year. If any of the dates were not defined, the system displaysan error message and the process ends.
    •  Checks that the selected school year is >= 2010-2011, otherwise displays the error message and the process ends.

 Performs Generate:

    •  If "All Students" is selected, the records will be generated for the entire school.
    •  If "Some Students" is selected, you'll need to use the Select Student pop-up to define which students. The records will be generated for the selected student(s).
    • With multiple students selected, our application issues a warning message: "More than 300 students have been selected, either by Some Students or by Course Sections. The total number of students must be reduced to under 300."
    •  If "Some Course/Sections" is selected, you will need to use the Select Course/Sections Popup to choose the Course/Sections. The records will be generated for the students assigned to the selected Course/Section(s).  
    •  For the 2nd and 3rd options, if no students are selected, an error message displays.
    •  When you click this button, we check whether the initial Gen Date is not null, and ask for confirmation you would like to re-generate Achievement by displaying the confirmation message. 
    •  When 'Yes' is selected, we'll generate the Achievement records for all or selected students at the school, and save them to the database.
    •  When "All Students" option is selected, Last Generated Date, Time and User Id are updated on the page and in the database.
    •  When this is the first time Generation is performed, the system will also update the "Initial Gen Date" value to the generation date and time in the database and set it for the selected report period in the "[Define Report Period" section.

      The successful result or error is displayed.
      When you're successful, the page is refreshed to display fields that were affected and to enable buttons that were disabled; and is enabled if it was the first generation.

Final Marks and Credits: Calculate

  •  If the Report Period data in the previous section was not saved, an error message displays. This button is enabled if the Initial Gen date for the selected Report Period is not blank.
  •  Clicking the button performs two processes:
    1.  Calculates Final Marks for student Courses that were completed in the selected Report Period;
    2.  Calculates Credits for the completed Courses.

      Calculate Final Marks
  1.  Checks whether Courses with blank Marks exist.
  2.  If Yes - displays a message which shows the number of students with K courses with blank Marks and the number of students with other Courses with blank Marks. You have the option to continue or cancel the process;
  3.  Calculates Final Marks for completed Courses as follows:  
    1.  Gets a list of student Courses that were completed in the selected Report Period, but only those that do not have manually entered Final Marks.
    2.  Populates Report Period 'F' for each Course and copies all Achievement attributes from the Final R.P.
    3. Modifies Marks as follows: Converts null to 0, if substitute Mark exists - sets the substitute Mark. Sets Final Mark Entered attribute to true.
    4.  Updates all 'F' Report Periods

5. Calculates Final Marks for Withdrawn Courses as follows:

    1. Gets Achievement records for all Report Periods for withdrawn Courses sorted by Report Period, but only those that do not have manually entered Final Marks
    2. Adds Report Period 'F' for each Course and copies all Achievement attributes from the latest R.P. with non-empty Mark. If there are Report Periods with non-empty Mark, sets the Mark to ' ' and the other attributes from the latest R.P.
    3. Sets Final Mark Entered attribute to True
    4. Updates all 'F' Report Periods

Calculate Credit

  •  This process is executed only if some of the Final Marks were set.
  •  Student Course Final records created by Achievement are selected.
  •  Calculates Credit process, sets three values: 
    •  Earned Credit
    •  Transcript Earned Date
    •  Organization Granting Credit

Based on the following student Course attributes:

  1.  Withdrawn Course
  2.  Alternative or modified Course expectations
  3.  Attempted Credit value
  4.  Passing Mark

    Saves Calculated Credit records.

Final Marks and Credits

  1.  This option applies to All Students
  2.  This button is enabled if the Initial Gen Date for the selected Report Period is not blank.
  3.  Gets a list of student Courses that were completed in the selected Report Period, but only these that do not have manually entered Final Marks. The following processes are performed:
    1.  Populates all Achievement attributes (Mark, Learning Skills and Comments) for Report Period 'F' for each Course.
    2.  Populates the Earned Credit, Transcript Earned Date, and Organization Granting Credit

Reset for All Students

  1.  Blanks out Final Marks and Credits that have been calculated for student Courses by the Final Marks and Credits process.

Calculate Compulsory Credits

  1.  Click Calculate Compulsory Credits to initiate the Calculate Compulsory Credits functionality.

Calculate Attendance and Median for (chosen) Report Period

  • If the School Academic Preference "School Using Period Attendance" is set "Off," then the Calculate Subject Attendance option is disabled.
  • If the School Academic Preference "School Using Attendance Function" if is set "Off," then the Calculate Daily Attendance option is disabled.

Page Controls

Calculate Options

Calculate Daily Attendance Totals

Our system will get the Attendance Start Date (this date will also be used for Calculate Subject Attendance) and check the year-to-date Attendance flag to determine which start date to use.

a.    We'll get the Attendance End Date of the specified Report Period (this date will also be used for calculating Subject Attendance).

b.    We'll calculate the Daily Attendance totals for the days between the Start and End dates.

Calculate Subject Attendance

Our system will calculate Absences and Lates for all students' Courses in the selected Report Period. Totals will be saved in the Course Achievement Record.

Absences will be the sum of Course absences, Excused absences and Suspended absences. Excused and Suspended absences will be included only if the board preference is set "On."

Steps to calculate Subject Attendance: 

    1. Get the Attendance Start and End Date. Get the board Achievement preference to determine if excused absences should be included.
    2. Get a list of Courses/Sections for every student in the school and year in the specified Reporting Period. 
    3. For each of the Course/Sections returned, perform the following: Calculate Lates and update Student Achievement for selected Report Period for all Courses/Sections

Calculate Median

  • Calculate statistics for the selected Report Period
  • Statistics will only be calculated for school year >= 20102011. Otherwise, an error message appears in the designated area and the process ends.

When the process completes successfully, a confirmation message appears.

Daily Attendance, Subject Attendance, and  Median (Read Only)

Last Calculated on [date] by [user] will display the last date/time when the Attendance or median records were calculated for all students at the school and which user performed the calculation.     

Calculate Median for Report Period F

This functionality will calculate after Final Marks and Credits process is performed.

Command Buttons


  • If the Report Period data in the previous section was not saved, an error message appears.
  • This button is available only after All Students Achievement records were generated for the selected Report Period. If none of the options was selected, an error message appears.
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