Ontario Reporting: Update v.4.01.10
Looking Ahead
In Q1 of 2019, we will be upgrading to a new version of PowerBuilder 2017. It will not support interaction with Java 6 utilities, only Java 8. Core Trillium uses some of these utilities as part of its framework, including the log-in process. As a result, when you upgrade any one of our four Trillium PowerBuilder applications (Core Trillium, OnSIS, OnRpts or Interfaces) using the new PowerBuilder 2017 version, it is mandatory you upgrade all four of those applications at the same time. Once these versions have been released, all future PowerBuilder releases will be built in this same version. Please plan to upgrade to these new versions in Q1 of 2019.
This advisory affects only products we release in 2019 and after. It does not apply to our releases in November and December, 2018.
Release Notes
Area | Details | Client Ticket Number | JIRA: Trill- |
Accommodations | To match EQAO's descriptions, we adjusted the French descriptions for Braille accommodations and accommodations beginning "Prompts for students." | 03583769 | 1035 |
EQAO Extracts | To match 2018-19 specifications, we updated the Grade 9 EQAO Student Extract. Several new fields are added in the file. The EnrolledOntario field indicates whether the student has attended a publicly funded ON school for the previous two school years. Trillium will use the student's student_registration records and/or entry codes to calculate this information. The Refugee field indicates whether the student entered Canada as a refugee. Currently, we can only use the student's Status in Canada information to determine if the student is a Refugee. With the November releases of Core Trillium and SchAdmin, a new field will be added to track this information. Fields FirstLanguage, BornOutsideCanada and TimeInCanada that have previously been reported for the Grade 3 & 6 extracts, will now also be reported for the Grade 9 extract. | 5897 | |
EQAO Extracts | To match 2018-19 specifications, we updated the PCAP EQAO student extract. | 5915 | |
EQAO Extracts | To meet 2018-19 specifications, we updated the TIMSS EQAO student extract | 5916 | |
Panorama Extract | Clients have reported that, although the student's phone number is not identified as a mandatory field in the Panorama extract, the file will not load successfully if a student is missing a phone number. For Oracle clients, a student without a phone number generated an empty student tag, which was reported as an error by the Ministry. The process will now send an error to the log file if a student is found that doesn't have a phone number. | 03767811, 03805113, 03788375 | 5726 |
Panorama Extract | When creating the Panorama extract, if a student does not have a phone number to report, an error indicating that fact is now written to the error log. | 5888 |
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