Student Maintenance: Second Languages
TWebSchAdmin 5.40.00 and newer
In TWebSchAdmin, 5.40.00 and newer, the Second Languages form maintains Second Languages information on a single student.
Begin by Searching
To perform a simple search: Entering even one letter of the Student's Surname and Clicking Search is enough to initiate the Search, but the more info you fill into the Search Window, the more refined your Search will be. The less refined your Search is, the more likely your return will be: "Too many rows returned, please narrow your search by defining additional criteria."
To perform an advanced search, you must Click Advanced and then fill in as many filters as you care to, in order to refine your search.
Fields You'll Find on the Second Languages form
FSL & Native Languages
Click FSL & Native Languages in the accordion header bar at right to display:
FSL | |
Select/Deselect | The checkboxes are visible if the user has update privileges. |
Second Language | A picklist with the values Core Program, Exempted, Extended Program, Immersion Program and Intensive Core French. Select the Second Language the student is involved in, or, if the student is exempt from taking any FSL program, choose Exempted. This will allow you to distinguish between students who have not been assigned an FSL program and those who do not require an FSL program. This is a mandatory field. |
Start Date | Enter the Start Date of the FSL Program. This is a mandatory field. |
Note: The default value will be the date in the Effective Date field from the student's enrolment record. Either typing in the field or selecting an alternate date will change the date. The system will update the Start Date field with the first Entry or Enrolment Date for the school code/school year combination. If a date < the date the student entered/enrolled in the school is entered the system will give an error message and not accept the date. If the student has a departure record in the school during the current year and returns to the school the system will not accept a start or end date that falls in the date range the student was departed. The user will be allowed to enter a different date. The system will accept any valid date. The system will not allow an overlap of Start Dates between rows. | |
End Date | Enter the End Date of the FSL Program. This is a mandatory field. |
Note: The default date will be the last day of the current school year, unless the student departed, in which case the end date will be the departure date of the student. Either typing in the field or selecting an alternate date will change the date. If the student has a departure record in the school during the current year and returns to the school the system will not accept a start or end date that falls in the date range the student was departed. The user will be allowed to enter a different date or use the calendar box to select a different date. The system will not allow an overlap of dates between rows. The system will not allow an overlap of End Dates between rows. | |
MOI | The default value is .00. If a value has been entered in the Second Language field the MOI field is mandatory for Elementary students. Core Program must have between 20 to 59 minutes, an Extended Program must be within the range of 60 to 149 minutes, and an Immersion Program must be within the range of 150 to 300 minutes. A warning message will be given if the user enters minutes outside of these parameters. This is a mandatory field for other students. |
Note: If values were entered in the fields Second Language and MOI when adding a new Elementary student, this information will be displayed in the applicable fields on the FSL/Native/Remedial minor tab. | |
Command Buttons | |
Save | Saves all new and modified data to the database. |
Add | Adds an empty row to FSL table if the user has update privileges. |
Delete | Deletes the selected row from the FSL table if the user has update privileges |
Native Languages
Native Languages | |
Select/Deselect | The checkboxes are visible if the user has update privileges. |
Language | A picklist with the values Cayuga, Cree, Delaware, Mohawk, Oji-Cree, Oneida, and Ojibwe. Select the Native Language the student is involved in, as shown above This is a mandatory field. |
Start Date | Enter the Start Date of the Native Language. This is a mandatory field. |
Note: | The default value will be the date in the Effective Date field from the student's enrolment record. Either typing in the field or selecting an alternate date will change the date. The system will update the Start Date field with the first Entry or Enrolment Date for the school code/school year combination. If a date < the date the student entered/enrolled in the school is entered, the system will give an error message and not accept the date. If the student has a departure record in the school during the current year and returns to the school, the system will not accept a start or end date that falls in the date range the student was departed. The user will be allowed to enter a different date. The system will accept any valid date. The system will not allow an overlap of Start Dates between rows. |
End Date | Enter the End Date of the Native Language. This is a mandatory field. |
Note: The default date will be the last day of the current school year, unless the student departed, in which case the end date will be the departure date of the student. Either typing in the field or selecting an alternate date will change the date. If the student has a departure record in the school during the current year and returns to the school, the system will not accept a start or end date that falls in the date range the student was departed. The user will be allowed to enter a different date or use the calendar box to select a different date. The system will not allow an overlap of dates between rows. The system will not allow an overlap of End Dates between rows. | |
Note 2: A student may be involved in multiple Native Languages, providing the Start and/or End Dates do not overlap. | |
Minutes | This is the number of minutes an Elementary student is taking in the Native Language course. This information will be reported to the Ministry through the OnSIS submission. The default value is .00. The value must be within the range of 1 to 300 minutes. |
Note: A Publicly funded school has a parameter set of no less than 1 minute and no more than 75 minutes while a Privately funded school has a parameter set of no less than 1 minute and no more than 300 minutes. We encourage users of Publicly funded schools to be cautiou,s as the field will accept the parameter for the Private school. | |
Command Buttons | |
Save | Saves all new and modified data to the database. |
Add | Adds an empty row to Native Language table if the user has update privileges. |
Delete | Deletes the selected row from the Native Language table if the user has update privileges |
The fields ESL Level/Stage and ELD Level/Stage are used to identify an English Language Learner's overall proficiency. This information is reported to the Ministry through OnSIS and to EQAO. If you use ESL Tracker, these fields are automatically updated from the detailed ESL information provided by the user, and so are disabled. For all other clients, these fields can be edited.
Security: Access to the screen is controlled by STUMNT - StuPro - Second Languages access.
ESL/ELD Programs | |
ESL Level/Step | The English Second Language field is displayed. The field is visible for English boards only. The ESL field is disabled if you use ESL Tracker. When enabled, the field provides a picklist of values for you to select from. |
ELD Level/Sep | The English Skills Development is displayed. The field is visible for English boards only. The ESL field is disabled if you use ESL Tracker. When enabled, the field provides a picklist of values for you to select from. |
11-column table | |
Select/Deselect | The checkboxes are visible if you have update privileges. |
School Code | A picklist with the school codes that match the student's registration records is displayed in this field. The default value is the current school. |
Year | A picklist with the school years which in combination with school code match the student's registration records is displayed in this field. The default value is the current year. |
Program | The type of programs available is displayed in this field, e.g., ESL, ELD, and ML. |
Oral | Select the step from the picklist. |
Reading | Select the step from the picklist. |
Writing | Select the step from the picklist. |
Overall | Select the step from the picklist. This is a mandatory field. |
Support Type | Select the support type from the picklist. |
Assess Date | Enter the assessment date. The date should be within the school year and cannot be a future date. |
Program End Date | Enter the End Date of the program. The date should be within the school year and cannot be a future date. If the student has the program ended, the corresponding ESL Level/Step, ELD Level/Step fields on Program & Classes accordion bar will be set to blank. |
Note: The most recent values in Overall Stage field are used to update ESL Level/Step, ELD Level/Step on Program & Classes accordion bar for current and next school years for all schools the student is enrolled in. | |
Command Buttons | |
Save | Saves all new and modified data to the database. |
Add | Adds an empty row to ESL/ELD Programs table if you have update privileges. |
Delete | Deletes the selected row from the ESL/ELD Programs table if you have update privileges |