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EAS: KG Achievement


TWebEA for Kindergartens is one of the functional components of the Trillium Web Elementary Achievement (TWebEA) application which allows Kindergarten educators to enter data on their Students’ achievements and to produce Report Cards in accordance with Ontario Ministry of Education requirements. This component implements requirements form the Ministry document Growing Success. The Kindergarten Addendum. Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools, 2016.




The Kindergarten teacher doesn't need any special Security Tasks to access Kindergarten functionality, so you can have the same security role as a 1-8 teacher. If you have both Kindergarten and non-Kindergarten classes, you will get the Switch to KG button in the top section of each window. If the KG teacher has Kindergarten classes only, the KG mode will be set automatically and no switching to 1-8 mode will be possible.


Supported Browsers

The minimum supported version of Internet Explorer browser is 10. The application no longer supports Internet Explorer versions 7, 8, 9 and IE 11 Compatibility View. If you use Internet Explorer 11 and get the message Sorry, this application does not support your version of browser, this is most likely because your browser is set in Compatibility View mode. This mode tells your browser to treat websites as if it was using IE7. If you get this message, do the following:

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. If you don't see the Menu bar, Click Alt to display it.
  3. Click Tools,  then Click Compatibility View settings. 
  4. Select all the items in the Websites you’ve added to Compatibility View box and Click Remove.
  5. Click Close.


Your technical staff will supply you with a username/password and directions on either accessing this web-based tool directly in your browser or by going through Trillium.


Subject/Students Tab

The Subject/Students allows you to select Class/Grade/Subject/Student. Using this page, you can see your students by class. If you teach in more than one school, you can select the school in which you would like to work with by using the drop-down list on the upper, left of this screen. The Student and Subject last selected on this screen will be the default Student and Subject for subsequent screens.


Student Comments

The Student Comments page is where you enter students’ subject comments. You'll also have access to the Comment Bank. Starting with Report Period B of school year 2016-2017, enter Student Comments for any of the Subjects listed in KG Subjects you have access to. (Some school boards have switched to the new standards starting with Report Period C).  

Double-click on one of the options in the Insert Pronoun box to the right of the comment box to make it appear in the comment you're creating.

Our application controls the number of lines (not characters) in your comment. If your number of rows exceeds the maximum, the background of the Comment field becomes red, and you cannot save the data (a message, Comment exceeds available space by … line(s)," appears at the top of the page). 

You can switch to an earlier (before B or C of 2016-2017) Report Period and School Year, but all student comments will be read-only. Select Comments section is unavailable. 

Using the Comment Bank

On the Student Comments tab, you'll find Select Comments at lower, right. Select the radio button that contains the desired comment. Options are BoardGroupPersonal or Ministry Expectations. If Group is selected, an option must be selected from the drop-down list at right.

To look for a comment with a specific word, click on either Comment or Title and enter the desired word in the search box immediately below.

Comments can be filtered further by selecting options from the Subject/Skill, Gradeand/or Report Period drop-down lists -- if those variables were added when the comment was created.

Click Select  to see a list of comments that meet your selection criteria

To save space, TWebEA limits the amount of text shown for retrieved comments. To temporarily view the full text of a comment, rest your pointer over a truncated comment. To expand a comment to its full text, click the Zoom In icon (magnifying glass) at the start of the Comment's row. Click the icon again to collapse the Comment. To expand and collapse the full text of all retrieved comments, click the Zoom In and Zoom Out icons located in the column headers.

To sort retrieved comments, click any of the underlined column headers.

To choose a comment, double-click on its row. 

Click Save to save the comment.

Using the Copy To Function

You can select a Comment from the Comments list, modify it if you care to, and add it to Comments for one or several Students. This functionality is similar to Copy To for Grades 1-8.

Select a Comment by clicking once on it. Notice the Copy To button becomes enabled. Click it to open a dialog box containing a list of all the students in your class. The selected Comment appears in a box at the top of the window. It will be applied to all the students you select below, so Select them, then Click Apply.  The Comment may also be modified here. When done in this pop-up, Click Close.

If, as a result of the concatenation, your Comment becomes too long (has too many rows), a message appears, telling you the comment for a particular student exceeds available space and will not be saved, requiring you to edit the long Comment.

You can replace part of the Comment text for selected Students using Find/Replace.

There is also a Spell Check feature, which allows you to correct possible spelling errors in the Comment.

Report Card KG

As always, Report Cards for School Year 2016-2017 (starting from Report Period B) and following years display and print in accordance with Ministry standards. (Some school boards have switched to the new standards starting with Report Period C of 2016-2017). The change is: They do not include any children’s Marks, Learning Skills Notes or Strands information.

The screen and Report Card display Attendance data as well as IEP and ESL flag values for each frame (Subject).

The number of rows in each Comment is restricted (just as it has been in 1-8 mode).

The names of Educators appearing in the header of the Report Card are taken from the lists of second teachers and ONSIS teachers in accordance with this rule: The ONSIS Code of the Educator should be ECE or ECE (LTO). (The Staff Types are mapped on ONSIS codes in the Staff Types validation table). The names appear in alphabetical order, by last name.     

If your Board had KG Report Cards in previous years and/or Report Periods, you can still see and print them in accordance with the old template.

For instance:

If your school used Trillium's JK/SK Report Cards before switching to the ministry standards (e.g. in previous school years or in Periods A and B of 2016-2017); once the upgrade to TWebEA v.5.30.00 or higher is completed, your school will no longer be able to modify Report Cards for previous Report Periods. If it’s necessary to modify a 2016-2017 Report Period A Report Card, you'll need to use TWebEA v.5.20.10 or v5.20.20.

Printing Report Cards

All users can print a draft of the KG Report Cards by clicking Print (for individual students) or Print Class. The ability to print the official KG Report Card is dependent on the preferences defined in Core Trillium by the board and school administration staff, and by security tasks. The Draft checkbox appears below these buttons if you are able to print the official Report Card. When this checkbox is available, and is clear, the official version of the Report Card will be printed. The official version of the Report Card might be printed only after calculating Achievement data for the period (Generate Achievement Records button at the Build JK/SK Achievement page of Core Trillium application).

Note: The sizes of the subjects' fields in the Ministry Report Card for Report Period B of 2016-2017 differ from corresponding sizes for the same period in 2017-2018 and beyond. 

Comment Builder

The look and feel of the page in KG mode is different from that in 1-8 mode.

KG Personal Comments have three attributes: Frame (Subject/Skill), Grade, and Report Period. These attributes might be selected before Comment saving (ALL option might be selected for each attribute). Like before, Report Period should be selected in the Comment section, not in the header of the page. (School Year and Report Period of the header do not affect Comments creating/update or searching).

The Comment field width and maximum-allowed number of rows are now defined in your database, depending upon Report Period.

For KG Group Comments, one more attribute – Group – is added. In the Group drop-down list, you will see only staff groups of which you're a member.

Search of Comments might be performed based on the following criteria:

  • Staff group (Group Comments only);
  • Subject/Skill;
  • Grade;
  • Report Period (is not valid for Ministry Expectations);
  • A sequence within Comment or its title.

You can select only relevant search criteria (KG Subjects, Grades and Periods). If All has been selected for Subject/Skills, Grade, and Report Period (Personal or Group search), Comments will be searched independently of the mode (KG or 1-8); Comments for 1-8 Subjects and grades will be found.

Note: KG users have access to Ministry Expectations for KG.

The columns in Comments list depend on the type of Comment.

For Personal Comments:

  • Text of the Comment;
  • Subject/Skill (frame);
  • Grade;
    • Type (Achievement, Learning Skills or Next Steps, are currently kept for compatibility with earlier and 1-8 Comments);
  • Title;
  • Report Period.

For Group Comments:

  • Text of the Comment;
  • Staff group;
  • Subject/Skill (frame);
  • Grade;
  • Title;
  • Report Period.

For Ministry Expectations:

  • Text of the Comment;
  • Subject/Skill (frame);
  • Grade.

Note: Searching ministry expectations differs from personal and group search. Only KG expectations will be searched.

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