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Staff Maintenance: Phones and Emails

Phones and Emails

This bar allows you to maintain selected staff phones and emails. A staffer may have several phones and/or emails on file.
If you don't have privileges to access this bar, you won't see it.

Phones list

  1.  This is the list of active phones defined for the selected staff.
  2.  Click Edit to maintain staff phone(s)


Use this pop-up to add, update and/or delete phones for the selected staff

Pop-up Controls


Select the type of phone record from the picklist.


Enter the area code. An area code will be defaulted if the board defined one.


Enter the phone number.


Enter the extension (if applicable).


Select this box to indicate whether the phone number is listed.

Start Date

Enter the date this phone number goes into effect.

End date

This field can be left blank for new phone numbers. Discontinued phone numbers can either be deleted or end-dated. Either method will ensure old phone numbers will not display on a report.


Enter any notes or explanations regarding this phone number

Emails list

  1.  This is the list of emails defined for the selected staff.
  2.  Click Edit to maintain staff email(s)


Use this popup to add, update and/or delete emails for the selected staff.

Pop-up Controls


Select from the picklist, this email's priority of use. "Primary" emails will be displayed on reports and will be used when extracting staff information.


Enter the staff email address.

Start Date

Enter the date that this email takes effect.

End date

This field can be left blank for new emails. Discontinued emails can either be deleted or end-dated. Either method will ensure old emails will not display on a report.


Enter any notes or explanations regarding this email address,


This bar gives you select information about the selected staff and is read-only.

For elementary teachers, you'll see information about the Classes assigned to the teacher as a Term teacher, the subjects the teacher is teaching, and a list of staff groups to which the selected teacher is assigned.
For secondary teachers, you'll see only the Classes and the staff groups assigned to the teacher.

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