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Core Trillium Update 4.11.00


Core Trillium v.4.11.00 - December, 2018. 


A number of December's updates, detailed in the chart below, relate to the Ministry's changes to the SHSM Program. More information is available here.

Hotfix 1

January 18, 2019

In the Student's Award/Credit tab, the "Accommodation/Provision" button was hidden and inaccessible.  We have fixed that and the button (labelled "Accom./Prov.") is now visible.

Looking Ahead

In Q1 of 2019, we will be upgrading to a new version of PowerBuilder 2017. It will not support interaction with Java 6 utilities, only Java 8. Core Trillium uses some of these utilities as part of its framework, including the log-in process. As a result, when you upgrade any one of our four Trillium PowerBuilder applications (Core Trillium, OnSIS, OnRpts or Interfaces) using the new PowerBuilder 2017 version, it is mandatory you upgrade all four of those applications at the same time. Once these versions have been released, all future PowerBuilder releases will be built in this same version. Please plan to upgrade to these new versions in Q1 of 2019. 

This advisory affects only products we release in 2019 and after. It does not apply to our releases in November and December, 2018.


Download the January, 2019 revision of Core Trillium 4.11.00 here.

Release Notes

Client Ticket #



GeneralSecurity TasksWe have updated the "Where used" information for the School Preference Security Task to indicate this security task is only used by the OnSIS School Preferences window.038253646142
GeneralUpgradesThe generic scripts part of the DB upgrade package did not check the existence of Synrevoice objects in client environments before attempting to grant permissions to the objects. This check is now performed.36204454773
Assigned SubjectsOnSIS TeacherWhen adding a Subject for a teacher who had at least one Subject already assigned, an Invalid Entry error was displayed several times and the screen froze if a subject was not chosen. We fixed this.
CreditsCompulsory Credit CalculationTo incorporate the new SHSM Component information into the determination of whether a student has met the SHSM requirements, we updated the Compulsory Credit Calculation. When an SHSM student is identified as working towards:
  • The Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) requirement, the student must have the Used Ontario Skills Passport checkbox selected.
  • The Sector-Partnered Contextualized Experience requirement, the student must have selected at least one of these three checkboxes: Coding; Mathematical Literacy; or Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship. More information available here .

ExportFamily ListHomeroom information is now included in the file, when exported to Excel.037867915666
ReportsConsecutive Days AbsentWhen the Consecutive Days Absent/Late Report is generated with the Consecutive checkbox cleared, a student who is Absent in the morning on a Non-instructional afternoon is not Full Day Absent. We fixed that, so such a student is now Full Day Absent.
ReportsContinuing Education RegistersThe International Languages Elementary register has been renamed Register of Enrolment in the International & Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Program.

The ILE Course Type used in the Scheduling > Courses window now has a description of International Lang/IILE.

ReportsContinuing Education Registers

Schools that had multiple Course sections of the Class were appearing on the Register for every Course Section within the Class Code. The UNFUND attendance feature has been updated to consider more than the class_code when determining if a student's Attendance is a 'D" in the Continuing Education Registers. Unfunded session Attendance will now use the student's Class Code, Course Code and Course Section to determine if the session Attendance is to be identified as UNFUND ('D').

03806123 6088
ReportsContinuing Education RegistersThe Pupil's Day School information was not being populated for students whose day school was at another school board. We corrected this.036730724822
ReportsContinuing Education RegistersWe have corrected two spelling mistakes on the Credit Courses Register.03584082 5252
ReportsCredit Counselling SummaryWe added the SHSM Component and checkboxes for the Sector-Partnered Contextualized Experience (SPC) to the second page of the Credit Counselling Summary.
ReportsCustom ReportsCustom Reports created by (only) SQL clients no longer fail to display. This issue occurred because SQL allows users to log-in with a username in lowercase, as well as USERNAME in UPPERCASE. If you created a custom report when logged in using one case; but later logged in using the other case, that report was invisible. We added a filter to remove case sensitivity so that SQL considers username either in Lower or UPPER case.03698967, 037193774980
ReportsGrowing Success ComplianceThe Social Studies subject label is now translated on the Growing Success Compliance report.03585076 3123
ReportsSchool Enrollment TotalsWe adjusted column widths on the School Enrollment Totals Report to ensure the Totals do not spill onto a second page.036345194432
ReportsSHSM ParticipantsThe SHSM Program Participants Report now includes checkboxes for SHSM Component and the Sector-Partnered Contextualized Experience (SPC).
ReportsSHSM ParticipantsTo display the Award OSSD Separately value for a student, we added a checkbox to the SHSM Participants Report.
ReportsSHSM Major RecordWe updated the SHSM Major Record Report with additional text and fields regarding the new Sector-Partnered Contextualized Experiences (SPC) component.
ReportsSHSM Student Data by SectorThe SHSM Student Data Report by Sector has been updated to reflect the most recent version of the Ministry's nine questions.

03805956, 03585078,



ReportsTrack ListWhen two students having the same name appear on the Track List Report, the name of the second student will now be printed at the beginning of that student's information.038031175794
ReportsUpdate Student Via ListOn the Update Student Via List, the width of the Homeroom column has been increased to avoid truncation.036236074358
SchedulingTransfer to MasterTeachers are now assigned properly for Combined Courses that are determined by having the same teacher and same room. After performing the transfer to Master, the Attendance Teacher and Achievement Teacher names now appear in the Classes screen for Combined Classes.35784244833
Student MaintenanceAdd New Student; Register StudentWhen a student is registered into a Continuing Education school his OSR School BSID will be correctly updated to the Home school where the student is currently active035866435572
Student MaintenanceContactsSchools that have a Contact custom screen defined in Core Trillium encounter a database error when adding a new Contact for a student. We fixed that.37074765037
Student MaintenanceCustom TabsTo avoid Data Type-mismatch errors: When creating Custom Fields containing dates, define the field as Datetime, not Date.03756683 5610
Student MaintenanceEarly Years ExperienceWhen leaving the Early Years Experience accordion section, or the page entirely, you are now prompted regarding any unsaved changes.035867314789
Student MaintenanceGeneralTo improve performance when retrieving student contact, addresses and telecom information, we've added three new indexes.
Student MaintenanceMerge Students

An error occurred when attempting to merge two students in Core Trillium 4.10.10. We updated the applicable Stored Procedures used in our Merge students process to include the EYE application tables. You can now Merge students without error.

Student MaintenancePersonal 2 tabWe have added a new checkbox Entered Canada as Refugee to the Citizenship section of the Personal 2 tab. This information will be reported to EQAO, and is used to identify whether the student came to Canada as a refugee, regardless of their Status in Canada now.
Student ProgramsAward/Credits tabTo support the Ministry's SHSM Component changes, we incorporated checkboxes for Coding, Innovation, and Mathematical Literacy into the Award/Credit tab. For more information, click here .
Validation TablesLanguagesWe added the languages of Kinyarwanda and Kalabari to the Languages validation table
Student MaintenanceUpdate Student ProgramThe "Accommodation/Provision" button is no longer hidden on the "Award/Credit" tab.

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