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EAS: Board Report Periods


This is the first accordion bar when Build Elementary Achievement - Board is selected from among the six Elementary Achievement tabs. This form is used to determine the Report Periods and Report Card issue dates for schools at your Board. Once defined in the top portion of this form, the Report Periods created at the Board can be pushed to schools by selecting the schools in the bottom of the form, then clicking Update to trigger the push. Your Board will also use the Schools can Modify checkboxes at the bottom of the form's top section to identify whether schools can change the dates set by the Board:

  • If Schools Can Modify checkboxes are empty, then the corresponding date at the school level is updated for all selected schools.
  • If Schools Can Modify checkboxes are selected, then the corresponding date at the school level is updated at the selected school only if that school does not yet have that date.  If the school already has a Date defined, that Date isn't overwritten. Each modify flag will be considered separately.  

If your Board needs to push out a new value for all schools for a field that the school is allowed to modify, you should uncheck the corresponding Schools can modify prompt, then update the schools. The Board can then recheck Schools can modify to allow the schools to continue modifying the information. 

Security Tasks

Access to this page is controlled by the new EAS - Board Report Periods (1-8) Security Task. 

TWebEA adheres to the Update Flag setting for the particular user when determining if fields are editable. The All Students flag must be selected (set ON), or no updates will be allowed.


Initial State

Define Report Periods

When this accordion bar opens, one rows displays for each of the three Report Periods. The values P, 1, and 2 populate the rows. These values are non-editable. 

Trillium does not set any default values for Report Period dates when creating new Report Period records.

Update Report Period Dates at Schools

The schools displayed in the grid are the schools to which you have security access. The checkboxes are empty by default.

Page Controls

Define Report Periods

Report Period

Populated by the system with P, 1, 2 labels (corresponding to  the P, I, and F values in your database). These are non-editable.

*Start Date

This is the Board guideline for the Report Period Start Date. This is a mandatory field.

*End Date

This is the Board guideline for the Report Period End Date. This is a mandatory field.

*Mark Entry End Date

This is the Board guideline for the last date when teachers can enter marks in each Report Period. This is a mandatory field.

*R. C. Print Date

This is the Board guideline for the date that will be printed on the Report Card. The date might not coincide with the Report Period End Date, as the actual print might not occur on this date, and yet, this is the date that should appear in the printed version of the official Report Card. This is a mandatory field.

*Calculate Atd After

This is the Board guideline for the latest date when the Attendance totals must be calculated. Official report cards cannot be printed unless Attendance has been calculated after this date. This is a mandatory field

Publish Date

This is the Board guideline for the date after which the achievement data can be shown in Via. The date is used by the Trillium Agent to show only allowed Marks and Comments in the Student and Teacher portals. This field is applicable only to the boards that use Via and adheres to the Via Preference - if the Via preference is On this column is visible.

Initial Lock

This value is pushed out to the School Report Period page only on first population.

The Initial Lock flag is a tool to prevent schools from erroneous generation of Achievement records ahead of time. Once the Report Periods' data is copied to schools, the schools should verify and possibly change the dates before generating Achievement records. Schools often generate Achievement records ahead of time, and have to erase wrongly generated data after. The flag would ensure that the Achievement records were generated intentionally rather than by mistake

All subsequent changes to the Report Period dates should not lock the schools from generation, as the schools should already have their Report Periods calendar settled and achievement records generated.

Schools Can Modify

Start/End Dates

Checkbox to identify whether individual schools are allowed to modify the Start and End dates of their school's Report Periods.

Mark Entry End Date

Checkbox to identify whether individual schools are allowed to modify the Mark Entry End Date of their school's Report Periods.

R.C. Print Date

Checkbox to identify whether individual schools are allowed to modify the Report Card Print dates of their school's Report Periods.

Publish Date

Checkbox to identify whether individual schools are allowed to modify the Publish date of their school's Report Periods.

Update Report Periods at School

This section displays a list of schools that you have permission to access.  You can select the schools that are to be updated with the new date and Report Period information, then use the Update button to push this information out to the school level.

Command Buttons


1.  Button is visible only if you have Update access for this page.

2.  These validations are performed:

    • All dates for the Report Periods are not blank
    • The Start Date must be less than the End Date 
    • The Start and End Dates between Report Periods must not overlap.
    • Publish Date cannot be less than R.C. Print Date and Mark Entry End Date.


1.  Button is visible only if you have update access for this page

2.  If the Schools Can Modify prompt is set Off, then the corresponding date at the school level is updated for all selected schools.

3.  If the Schools Can Modify prompt is set On, then the corresponding date at the school level is updated at the selected school only if the school's value is empty. If the school already has a value defined for the Date field, that value is not overwritten. Each modify flag will be considered separately.   

4.  In addition, as dates are pushed out, our application must compare the dates to each school('s) calendar. If the dates are within the school's calendar then the dates will be pushed out. If the dates are not within the school's calendar, then you get a message "School Report Periods were updated with some errors. Would you like to see the Error Report?"

5.  If Yes - the Error Log report is produced.

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