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Ontario Reporting: Update v.4.04.20


Trillium Ontario Reporting v.4.04.20 - February 2021


This version is compatible with Core Trillium 4.14.00 and higher


Download Trillium Ontario Reporting v. 4.04.20 here.

Release Notes

Client Ticket #
EQAOThe EQAO OSSLT Student Data Extract file has been updated to meet the new 2020-2021 EQAO requirements for this extract. Please review the PowerSchool Community article on deferring full time remote students from this year's testing.
OCAS/OUACFor students who have earned their OSSD 1999 diploma in 2020-2021 with 20 - 39 hours of community service, the community involvement field will not report that the student has completed this requirement. Note that the board must be running Core Trillium 4.14.10 in order for the student to be granted their OSSD 1999 diploma with this reduced amount of community hours.
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