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Trillium D2L Extract: Update v.1.08.00


 Trillium D2L Extract v.1.08.00 - January 2017


Trillium D2L Extract v.1.08.00 is compatible with Core Trillium 3.14.00 and higher.

This version of D2L has been modified to include a new ALF extract for French school boards. This information will be used by the French boards for their data reporting to theirTACLEF portal. 

A new folder (XMLUpload_ALF) has been created to house the new file vw_alf_demographics.xml, as well as a backup folder called BACKUP_ALF. All columns in the 

vw_alf_demographics.xml view will be extracted to the XML file. A school's student information will be selected for the school year flagged as the current school year on Trillium's School Years window. 

Although English school boards will not have data in this XML file, they are still required to apply this update in order to maintain consistency in supporting the product. 


SQL Server Directory Structure 

For SQL Server clients, the SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) tool has been used to implement the batch process, which calls the necessary stored procedures, generates the xml files, and creates a backup copy of the xml files.  Therefore, SQL Server clients should install the SSIS tool, standard edition or higher, on the workstation being used to execute the D2L procedures with the following structure:
  • C:\MSSQL\D2LHoldingTank (Contains the SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Package)

Oracle Structure 
Edit section

 On the database instance server, the client must create a folder to house the temporary xml file.  We recommend that the folder be located and named as follows: c:\D2L.  The files from the must be extracted to the following folders on the workstation that will run the D2L Extract process:



The Oracle batch process has been implemented with SQL scripts and DOS commands. So there is no special tool required to be installed on the work station for Oracle clients, except for the standard Oracle connectivity software.

  1. Config file update:
    1. For SQL Server, replace the config file that was backed up in step 3 in the following location: C:\MSSQL\D2LHoldingTank\D2LHoldingTank.dtsConfig
    2. For Oracle, mofify the config file to reflect your database connectivity properties, as per the information in the file that was backed up in step 3.  This file is located in the C:\oracle\DATA_REQUEST\D2LFTP\working\D2L.bat folder.
  2. The board should use the d2l_user account to execute the stored procedure package. The stored procedure package should be scheduled to run on a nightly basis.
  3. Refer to the Trillium_D2L_Extract_Overview_10800.pdf document for further details on executing and scheduling the extract process.
  4. Implementation guides and handbooks on how to maintain the Holding Tank XML1, prepared by eLearning Ontario, are available in the Guides_Handbook folder at the root of the D2L download folder.  We strongly recommend that you read these documents if installing and using this product for the first time.

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