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Trillium Interfaces: Update v.3.17.00


  Trillium Interfaces v.3.17.00 - November, 2017


 Trillium Interfaces v.3.17.00 is compatible with Core Trillium 3.16.00 and higher. This release fixes various issues.  

Special Note: When scheduling an Interfaces task, please remember to keep your AT Service Account up to date and remember to run the Interfaces application as Administrator.  For more information about this and how to schedule an Interfaces task, please refer to our Trillium Interfaces: Scheduler Utility article


Release Notes

ModuleDetailsClient Ticket #
Export - Student Education PathWhile running Export - Student Education Path, some of the clients were getting the error Export Data Terminated. The reason was the data which was missing from fs_interface_definitions table for 'EXPED' (Student Education Path Export) type and 'SHSM' record. We fixed that.#123405
Export - Student Education PathIn STAT file, the eighth field (SHSM Focus) has been replaced by "SHSM sector" as per vendor (MyBluePrint) request.NA
Export - Student Education PathIn STAT file, the third field (External School Code) has been replaced by "School BSID" for the same reason.#133264
Export - Student Education PathAn issue was identified with the effective date not being properly set when job was scheduled. Issue has been corrected.#133765
Export - Student Education PathOur software still created the individual files per school even when Individual File per school  was NOT selected. This issue has been fixed. One file will be created which contains the information for all schools you selected.#134669
Export - Student Education PathNew courses added by Core Trillium 3.17.00 were missing from CRSM.txt. We fixed that.    
#138157, #138143, #138214 
Export - Student Education PathWe updated the Export process to resolve an XML issue when a large number of schools are selected for export. Reducing the XML data size prevents an Oracle database issue.136050
SDAS exportSDAS export has been enhanced to work with new Gender values when they become available.NA
Student ImportStudent import has been enhanced to work with new Gender values when they become available.


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