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Ontario Reporting: Update v.3.10.00


 Trillium Ontario Reporting v.3.10.00 - September 2017


Trillium Ontario Reporting v.3.10.00 is compatible with Core Trillium v.3.15.25, and higher.  Note that the 2017-2018 EQAO changes have not yet been released.  A new release will be prepared with those changes once they have been identified.  

No changes in the submission file layouts were required by OCAS/OUAC this year.  The application centers have indicated they are updating their system to accept the new gender values.  If you submit gender values of X or N, they'll be changed to blank until development is completed to accept the new values.  Applicants can indicate their gender accordingly on their application. No additional changes are required to OnRpts to enable the reporting of these new gender values once they become available in Trillium.

Release Notes

Client Ticket #
PanoramaCreate Extract FileChanges were made to the Panorama Extract to support the new gender values of X and N when they become available. Panorama has indicated that both of these gender values are to be reported as "Other". 
PanoramaCreate Extract FileThe extract has been modified to include students with no Transcript School Code assigned. These students will be reported under their Home school. This will allow JK or K students who are new to the board, and Grade 9 students who will be new to the secondary school, to be included in the extract files.117011, 132003
OCAS/OUACCreate Extract FileThe school year on this window was changed to 2017-2018 to identify that the specifications apply to this school year.120130
EQAOCreate Extract FileWe added the field Status In Canada to the HTML and Excel log files for the OSSLT, Grade 9 and Grades 3/6 extracts.121041

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