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Trillium Interfaces: Update v.4.02.20


Trillium Interfaces v.4.02.20 - April 2020


Windows 7 is no longer supported by Trillium or Microsoft,  and patches or security updates are no longer offered for this operating system.  Without security updates, PowerBuilder applications running on Windows 7 are at risk of security vulnerabilities.  We strongly recommend upgrading to a newer version of the operating system.


Trillium Interfaces v.4.02.20 is compatible with Core Trillium 4.12.00 and higher


Download Interfaces 4.02.20 application here.

Release Notes

ModuleDetailsClient Ticket #JIRA:
Student Education PathFive new fields have been added to the end of the Student (STUD) file for Student Education Path extract to capture the student's primary email, alt_email_1, alt_email_2, alt_email_3, alt_email_4.  A new prompt 'Include student emails in extract' gives users control over whether these new fields will be populated in the extract file. Clients will need to co-ordinate their version of MyBluePrint and Career Cruising in order to make use of these new fields. Please ensure that you have a version of their software that supports these new fields before upgrading to this version of Interfaces.



The issue regarding a scheduled batch file not stopping until it is forcefully terminated has been resolved. The scheduling process has been updated to support the use of an Interfaces shortcut as well as provide user credentials for the scheduled task.

Please note that any previously scheduled Interfaces tasks that are currently working do not need to be rescheduled. It is strongly recommended that the Option for the executable path be set to use a shortcut. This will allow the scheduled Interfaces application to run in the Interfaces application folder and find the appropriate application resources.

Please see the updated Interfaces overview documentation on PowerSchool Community for more information on the updated scheduling process: Trillium Interfaces: Scheduling Utility



When a French client tried to schedule the Student Education Path extract, the information in two of the files included translated values instead of the required English values. This issue has been resolved by the other changes for scheduled files in this release. Clients following the new scheduling process outlined in the overview document should no longer encounter this issue.

The overview document is available on PowerSchool Community as Trillium Interfaces: Scheduling Utility


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