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Trillium Interfaces: Update v.4.01.00


 Trillium Interfaces v.4.01.00 - March 2019


Trillium Interfaces v.4.01.00 is compatible with Core Trillium 4.12.00


Download Interfaces 4.01.00 Installer here.

Release Notes

ModuleDetailsClient Ticket #JIRA:
New Version of PowerBuilder 2017R3

The Trillium PowerBuilder applications no longer use a local Java environment for encryption or LDAP.

  • Encryption for LDAP is now processed by the Trillium Authentication and Authorization web service (TAAWS).
  • TAAWS must be installed and configured to continue to use LDAP. See Upgrade Instructions for more information.
  • PowerBuilder 2017R3 introduces new and stronger encryption utilities. The new encryption utilities are used to secure credentials to use in Batch processes.
  • This release can only be installed using the new Trillium4R3 Installer.
  • All four Trillium PowerBuilder applications (Core Trillium, OnSIS, Ontario Reports, and Interfaces) MUST be upgraded at the same time.

Secondary GradebookThe Secondary Gradebook import has been updated to allow marks of 'I', insufficient evidence to award a mark, on all ESL and ELD courses. 03586088
Student Education PathImportant: Before upgrading to Interfaces 4.01.00, ensure that you have installed the latest version of myBlueprint on your board. This upgrade must be performed in coordination with the upgrades of Core Trillium, OnSIS and Ontario Reporting.

The Student Education Path for myBlueprint has been updated to include fields for the new Sector-Partnered Contextualized Experience component of the SHSM.  The following new fields have been added:
  • SHSM Component  (value 0 for OSP, 1 for SPC)
  • Coding  (value YES/NO)
  • Innovation  (value YES/NO)
  • Math Lit  (value YES/NO)

Secondary Gradebook ExportNew email address validations have been implemented so that email addresses with an underscore before the @ will no longer trigger an Invalid Email warning. 03753063TRILL-5371

The FTP process has been updated to use Open Java JRE 8. As a result of this change:

  • FTP credentials are now saved with a higher level of encryption.
  • An FTP log file has been created listing the status of the ftp file transfers.
  • FTP profiles managed by the Interfaces application must be re-entered due to changes in the encryption algorithm. Existing FTP profiles will be deleted by the database installation package.

Secondary AchievementLearning Skill Mark fields are now optional for the Secondary Achievement import.03585153TRILL-647

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