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Other Programs: Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

In Student Maintenance, you've chosen the student you need to edit; hovered over Maintain Student and chosen Other Programs. At right, choose the second accordion bar: Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP).


Access to the screen is controlled by stupro_student_other_programs and access to the accordion bar is controlled by stumnt_oyap 

Field Descriptors


The checkboxes are visible if you have update privileges.

*Start Date

Enter the Start Date of the Apprenticeship.
The first date of the current school year is the default value
The field is mandatory 

*End Date

Enter the End Date of the Apprenticeship.
The last date of the current school year is the default value
The field is mandatory 


Select the box if the Apprenticeship is completed.


Enter a comment.

Command Buttons


Saves all new and modified data to the database.


Adds an empty row to OYAP table if you have update privileges.


Deletes the selected row from the OYAP table if you have update privileges.

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