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Trillium OnSIS: Update v. 4.07.20


Trillium OnSIS v.4.07.20 - May 2022


This version is compatible with Core Trillium 4.15.01 and higher.

OnSIS Reminder

Do not use Excel to edit, modify or save your CSV files, as it changes the formatting and causes errors during the loading of these files. Use Notepad to edit, modify, or save those files.


Download OnSIS 4.07.20 here

Hotfix 1

Issue #1: When running the OnSIS snapshot, if an internal preference value had not been set previously, the school would encounter a Powerbuilder error, causing the snapshot to fail.  This has been corrected.

Hotfix 2

Issue #1: Independent Study and elearning courses will no longer have the four secondary attendance fields reported, to align with Ministry requirements.

Issue #2: Some schools encountered a PowerBuilder error when generating Class Enrolment., causing the snapshot to fail. This has been corrected

Issue #3: The Classes Missed tag is no longer populated with a value for half credit courses that are not yet completed.

Issue #4: When generating the ECPP submission file, if the ‘CTCC Residential Facility’ preference is unchecked the FACILITY_RESIDE_DAY_TOTAL flag will no longer have a value reported in it. Boards should review how the site is identified on the Ministry OnSIS site. If the site is identified as ‘Residential’ or ‘Both Residential and Day’, the Trillium CTCC Residential Facility preference should be checked, ensuring that a value greater than or equal to zero will be reported for the FACILITY_RESIDE_DAY_TOTAL field. If the site offers only a Day Program, the Trillium preference should be unchecked, ensuring that the FACILITY_RESIDE_DAY_TOTAL is reported as blank.

Release Notes

FunctionDescriptionClient ticket #JIRA
SnapshotStudents who received an error regarding their main school flag were not included in the ECPP submission file.  This has been corrected.



TransmissionSnapshots and Transmission files for CTCC or ECPP schools did not include information from multiple sites when using a working school bsid. This has been corrected. Snapshots will need to be generated prior to creating transmission files to pick up all needed student data.06115236TRILL-10504
SnapshotInformation for the school_closure_classes_missed tag is now reported correctly as an empty tag for dropped courses. 



SnapshotAdditional logic was added to manage memory and the restart option for the Report Card Subjects portion of the Elementary June extract has logic to make the restart option more effective.06229438TRILL-10585

When generating a Secondary OnSIS submissions for schools that share the same bsid, all of those schools are now included in the transmission file.


Students departed prior to June 29 were not included in ECPP transmission. This has been corrected.

SnapshotStudents attending more than one ECPP site in a year did not have transition dates reported for all schools.  This has been corrected.06236745TRILL-10591
SnapshotG-days are now being included in the classes missed count for secondary school submissions, ensuring that a student's total number of school_closure_classes_missed is not larger than the classes missed total when a student has only missed classes due to a G-day.




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