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Core Trillium Update 4.14.00


Core Trillium v.4.14.00 - October 2020


Windows 7 is no longer supported by Trillium or Microsoft,  and patches or security updates are no longer offered for this operating system.  Without security updates, PowerBuilder applications running on Windows 7 are at risk of security vulnerabilities.  We strongly recommend upgrading to a newer version of the operating system.


Core Trillium 4.14.00 download is here.

Release Notes

Several changes in this release are to be used when preparing EQAO's Grade 9 Student data collection files.  Please refer to the PowerSchool Community article for a document with additional details.

AreaDetailsClient Ticket #JIRA

Copy to Next Year

When copying secondary school courses to next year, the new Upgrading Credit Courses field in Other Course Information will now also be copied.

Mark Entry by Student

Mark Entry by Class

A mark of 'I' is accepted for a course of any grade level.

PreferencesA new preference 'Gr. 9 Math Delivery' has been added under the Scheduling section of the School Academic preference page. The value selected here will be used when determining the student's appropriate Program value for the EQAO Grade 9 assessment. If this preference is not set, Trillium will assume a value of ‘1) in-school learning’.
BuilderA new field 'Delivery Mode' has been added on the Course Sections tab of the Builder window, in order to capture how the students within the course section will attend the class. This field is only used for EQAO Grade 9 Math reporting when the School Preference field is set to 'Specify by Course Section'.
PreferencesA new Board preference 'Use Gender Identity as Free Text’ has been added to the Board Demographic tab. When checked, the user will be presented with a free text field instead of a dropdown list for the Gender Identity fields within Trillium. Boards must not toggle this preference once schools have begun to enter free text data. For Boards that use TwebOLR and Student Import, do not enable this new feature until the TwebOLR and Student Import releases that also support this new feature have been released and installed.

Add New Student

Student Demographics

The Gender Identity field will be presented as a free text field if the 'Use Gender Identity as Free Text' preference has been checked on.
LoginUpdates were applied to the Core Trillium login process to reduce the number of updates to the preference table. The change was made to improve the performance of the login process and to reduce potential table locking issues.
Update Student ProgramA new field, 'Attendance Mode', has been added on the Student Registration tab of Update Student Programs to capture how the student will attend school classes during the year. This field is only used for EQAO Grade 9 Math reporting when the School Preference field is set to 'Specify by Student'. Boards can choose to populate this new attendance mode field for all students and use it for their own reporting as well.  
ReportsThe student's preferred name did not print correctly on the Combined Timetable for students with a gender value of 'S'.  This was a result of the student's first name in the concatenated  'preferred name upper' field being replaced with the gender identity code.  The issue has been corrected and the content of the 'preferred name upper' field has been corrected in the main script package of the release.05194415TRILL-9665

Student Groups

Student Demographics

Oracle clients will no longer encounter a database error (transport_flag cannot be null) when creating a new student group, or updating student demographic information.05207315TRILL-9705
GeneralAn issue was identified with the version of the rich text edit control used by Core Trillium v. 4.13.20 that caused an error to be raised in several Core Trillium processes including scan sheets and student suspension letters.  This control has been updated with this release.
Elementary AchievementModifications have been made to system tables to support the upcoming change in the number of marks to be reported for Mathematics. Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year, only one mark will be reported for Mathematics instead of marks for each of the five strands.

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