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Trillium Interfaces: Update v.3.16.00


Trillium Interfaces v.3.16.00 - June, 2017



 Trillium Interfaces v.3.16.00 is compatible with Core Trillium 3.16.00 and higher.

This release fixes various issues.  

Special Notes:

  1. Please pay special attention to details regarding All Modules below. We've seen date-format issues when the Windows date format and the format specified in Core Trillium Preferences do not agree. Therefore, we've added a warning message that notifies you of that condition, immediately after logging into Interfaces.
  2. When scheduling an Interfaces task, please remember to keep your AT Service Account up to date and remember to run the Interfaces application as Administrator

Release Notes

ModuleFunctionDetailsClient Ticket #

All Modules

For Interfaces running on Windows 10, it is important that the Windows O/S date format be the same as that specified in the Core Trillium date format preference.  Failure to do so may cause issues with imported and exported data.

A new warning message will now appear when starting the Interfaces application when the Core Trillium and Windows date formats do not agree.  This will resolve issues with date formats that have been causing some Interfaces processes to fail.

Student Education Path


Documentation does not align with field record layout. We modified the layout. 


Student Education Path


As per request from myBlueprint The following files will created during the export for all available modes (manuals, schedule and transfer using FTP ):

Elementary panel JK-6 checkbox flagged:  SITE, STAF,  STUD.




Student Education Path


The Student Education Path > STAT.txt export file for myBlueprint did not correctly provide the earned SHSM certification information for students enrolled in an SHSM program. The patch we issued January 31, 2017, is incorporated in v.3.16.00.



Schedule Transport Export extract  Active student  instead of Prereg. The problem has been corrected


HR Import

Scheduling task

We fixed the HR Staff import, so this process runs like transportation and the others; a user can schedule the task to run even if they are not logged in at the scheduled time.


HR Import


The HR import no longer strips away extended dates.

Extended_end_date field added to EMP_POST file layout -appl will update staff school assignment extended end date with value provided in file.


Scheduling Utility

We updated our Interface Scheduling Utility Guide to include setup in Windows 10


LDAP Authentication

The PowerBuilder/Java method interface used for LDAP authentication was updated to improve exception handling.

Updated JRE is included for this enhancement.

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