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StudentsAchieve: Update v.6.7.0


StudentsAchieve 6.7.0.  Includes fixes in 5.19.0.


Download these update packages, and the associated install instructions, to your StudentsAchieve web server(s):

  • SAS-   Update package
  • UASWeb-  Update package

Release Notes

AdministratorsWe added a new Linked Teacher column to the Administrators' List grid. Any teacher linked to the Administrator will be displayed in this column. 
Curriculum Progress A list of students now displays for each result. Previously, only the number of students for each result was displayed. Clicking on a student provides a link to the student's record in Student Analysis.
NHI Report The Student List, along with the students in the report, will now be sorted alphabetically by last name, first name.
NHI Report If no data exists for the report, a No Data for this Criteria message now appears.
New Class Sections We added a Current Achievements link for Teachers.
New Class SectionsWe also added a link so Teachers can access the New Report Card Export screen.
New Report Card Export We simplified the New Report Card Export to reflect the current export structure.  You no longer have to manually process the mappings and can now just click Export. Learn more here.
Parent Portal On the Achievements module, we added the Aggregate name, along with the Layer name.
Parent Portal And we improved the performance of the Achievements module
Student Analysis The Assessment Type icon is now editable for assessments.
Touch Marks Entry You can set a default starting weight for assessments in Application Settings (i.e. Default weight value for assignment parts).
UASWebFor teachers with classes in multiple schools, the class list in Touch Marks Entry, Student Analysis, Assessment Explorer, Assessment Resources, Curriculum Progress and the New Student Summary Report now includes the school name.
UASWeb/Reports You can use a new Application Setting to display your students' Preferred Name, instead of their usual name, in the Parent Portal, Student Analysis, Touch Marks Entry, Assessment Resources, Curriculum Progress and Student Analysis Reports.
UASWeb Upgrader We simplified the process of updating UASWeb.  You no longer have to manually copy files to the UASWeb directory. Learn more here.
Assessment Explorer 

Despite having just Read-only access for a class, teachers are able to edit the dates. We've resolved that.

Assessment Resources When changing classes, the Student picklist becomes empty. The picklist will now default to the previously selected student or the first student in the class
Assessment Resources 

There is a display issue of classes in the picklist when changing classes. We've resolved that.

Assessment Resources An iPad freezes when uploading multiple files. We've resolved that.
Class Initialization If you enable Class Synchronization during Initialization, you'll get errors. We've disabled the ability to synchronize during Initialization.
Class Section Summary Report The report is misaligned on page breaks. We've resolved that.
Curriculum Progress There are display issues when there are numerous grading codes for the breakdown of results. We've resolved that
Input Report Card Results 

When checking out a class, a Comment Bank pop-up error occurs intermittently. We've resolved that.

Integration A teacher's association from a class is not being removed during integration if an alternate teacher in the SIS was removed. We've resolved that.
New Student Assessment Summary Report This report is being misaligned and column headings are not displaying on page breaks. We've resolved that.
New Student Summary Report You're unable to print this report (i.e. save to PDF) in the Via platform. We've resolved that.
Parent Portal 

The Back to Summary button on the Learning Objectives page isn't respecting the Term selected previously, when going back to the Achievements module.  We've resolved that.

Self-Service Upgrade You're getting an error when updating the SchoolLogic Integration Agent in the Upgrader.  We've resolved that.
Student Analysis The "Most Recent" layer is using non-calculable values.  We've resolved that.
Student Analysis If the Hide unassessed objectives check box is is cleared when changing classes, students or aggregates.  We've resolved that.
Student Analysis 

When entering Professional Judgement, you can't keep entering professional judgement for other items immediately.  We've resolved that.

Student Analysis When you enter a numeric Professional Judgement and then press <Tab> on the keyboard, the focus doesn't go to the next cell.  We've resolved that.
Student Assessment Summary Report This report is misaligned and column headings are not being displayed on page breaks.  We've resolved both issues.
Touch Marks Entry The strand (in vertical display) for an assessment is cut off and the Information ('"i" icon) is not displaying in the upper right corner for certain Strands.  We've resolved that.
Touch Marks Entry When you enter a Mark, another cell auto-selects. If you then click anywhere else in the grid, both the newly selected cell and the auto-selected cell become selected. We've resolved that; only the cell you click on is selected now.
Touch Marks Entry The columns don't align correctly below the headers in Internet Explorer. We've fixed that.

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