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Via Forms (Online Registration) v.3.6.2


Via Online Forms - Online Registration 3.6.2  August, 2018


  These components and versions are required:

  • Core Trillium v.4.00.00 or higher
  • VIA Platform v.1.2.9 or higher
  • TWebOLR v.1.71.10 or higher
  • Trillium Agent v.2.91.00
  • TWebServices-Auth v.5.40.10 

Important Note

If you have any outstanding forms, you must process them before deploying TWebOLR 1.71.10.


Download Via Online Forms - Online Registration 3.6.2 here.

Release Notes

AreaDetailsJIRA: Trill-
Digital Signature

We've added "Signed By" and "Signed On" information for digital signatures to the Print page and the form PDF.

These fields populate the latest digital signature information, if any.

ExportWhen you export a .csv file, the Submission Status field now populates correctly.4434
EYE@K SurveyChild Care Centre Name field now stores both Label value and Code value in history table. This helps if parents accidentally clear the Field.2941
EYE@K SurveySince the Ministry is no longer collecting answers to Questions 3 and 7 on the Survey, we have hidden the questions from EYE Survey in the OLR Form. We've created a new instruction document which helps you hide Questions 3 and 7 on your existing OLR Schema.4158
File ExportIn order to support commas and special characters in fields of the export csv file, we've encased data elements within double quotes. We also reorganized columns.1076
OLR SchemaWhen adding a new student, whose Status in Canada is Immigrant, and all fields in that area are filled out: users get this message:
"For international students, the expiry date of the status in the country can not be empty.” We fixed that.
OLR SchemaNew checkbox field created in English and French OLR for "Immunization record received" for new registration.4161
OLR SchemaSome clients encountered a situation with submissions not showing due to mismatched schema values. Please be aware that Ref_Ids returned by the Trillium agent will be different in each environment. If you copy the schema from your Test environment to your Production environment, these identifiers will not match. You have to manually sync the Ref_Ids. We've created a new instruction document to help you copy a schema between environments. It is posted on our PowerSchool Community website.3450
Consult your browser online help to learn how to scale pages to print on one page.

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