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TWebServices: Update v.5.42.00


  TWebServices 5.42.00 - February 2020


  • You must have executed all database scripts up to, and including, v.5.41.20 before updating to this version.  
  • You must have updated to  TWebServices 5.41.20 and TWebServices-auth 5.41.20 before updating to this version. 
  • TWebServices v.5.42.00 and twebservices-auth v.5.42.00 (This product is used to provide other Trillium products, such as Via, and other third party tools the ability to authenticate Trillium users) are compatible with Core Trillium 4.12.00 and newer.
  • You must be running Java 8. 


Download TWebServices 5.42.00 here


Release Notes

AreaDetailsClient Ticket No.JIRA
eTMS ServiceUsers will now receive a proper error message (e.g. Student not found) rather than an HTTP 500 error.04588262


eTMS ServiceFrench clients experienced an issue with the earned credits being reported as zero in the OCAS eTMS xml file.  This was a result of the service not converting the credits correctly when a comma was used to identify the decimal portion of the value.  This has been corrected.

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