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Core Trillium Update 4.12.30


Core Trillium v.4.12.30 - October 2019


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Release Notes

Client Ticket #

Student Demographic

A new section "Current Residence Information" has been added to the Personal 2 tab in the Student Demographic window to identify out-of-province and international students enrolled in Ontario public or private schools.  This section should be populated for students whose current residence is not Ontario.  See the documentation on PowerSchool Community for additional details on these fields.
Scheduling / CoursesNew fields for Other Course Information have been added.  These identify Credit Recovery and Ministry Developed Content. Trillium's course type of Credit Recovery should still be used whenever possible since other calculations rely on this value.  For e-learning courses that are also credit recovery, the course type of e-learning must be used.  See the documentation on PowerSchool Community regarding these fields.
Transcript InformationTwo new Other Course Information fields have been added to the Transcript Information window to track Credit Recovery and Ministry Developed Content. These fields are enabled for courses added through this window. See the documentation on PowerSchool Community for additional details on these fields.
Validation Tables

The Ministry has introduced several new Status in Canada values and closed others as of the end of September 2019. Since the Status in Canada validation table is Board defined, the Board will need to modify the values in it. Please add any new values that are appropriate for your board. Ensure that the OnSIS code value for each of your existing rows is mapped to an active value and ensure that anything mapped to the Visa Student, Other Visa and None of the Above has been remapped to a new value.

Copy to Next YearWhen copying secondary school courses to next year, the new Other Course Information fields will now also be copied.
Reports / Enrollment Registers

Beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, the Full-Time and Part-Time enrollment registers will now classify student transfers to another school within the same school board as internal transfers. Student transfers to a school at another school board will continue to be classified as external transfers.

Enrollment registers produced for prior school years will remain unchanged.

Validation TablesThe Ministry has created a new Residence Status Type of 'Indigenous Ancestry' (OnSIS code 17) to replace 'Native Ancestry' (OnSIS code 2).  This new value will appear in the OnSIS code drop-down list for the Status in Canada validation table. Both of these codes are only to be used for reporting by private schools, which should review their Status in Canada validation table, and update the OnSIS code mapping to replace Native Ancestry with Indigenous Ancestry.

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