TWebSchAdmin Update 5.40.60
TWebSchAdmin v.5.40.60 - August, 2018
You must be running TWebSchAdmin v.5.40.50 or higher before updating to this version.
TWebSchAdmin 5.40.60 is compatible with:
- Core Trillium v.4.00.00 and higher;
- Landing page v.5.40.30
- CAS Central Authorization System v.
- You must be running Java 8.
TWebSchAdmin download is here.
Release Notes
Function | Area | Details | Client Ticket # | JIRA: Trill- |
General | TWebSchAdmin 5.40.60 is now certified with the latest Java 8.0.172 and Tomcat version v.8.5.31 Note: TWebSchAdmin now supports only a Java 8 environment. More information, including a link to installation files, is here. | |||
General | Tomcat 8.5.31 allows the deployment of multiple versions of a web application with the same context path at the same time. These multiple versions can exist simultaneously. All end users will be gradually forwarded to the latest version without restarting the Tomcat service after upgrading web apps. As a result, boards will enjoy zero-downtime deployment. Refer to our Tomcat Parallel Deployment Deployment Guide here. | |||
Admin Attendance | Class Group Attendance | A new confirmation message displays when Attendance is taken for the entire school. All Attendance Types except G-day will trigger the message. | 3872 | |
Admin Attendance | Admit Slips | We enhanced the Individual Attendance and Admit Slip pages to remember the values used for the previous student when entering the Attendance Entry fields such as ReportAs, Reason and Entry Mode. These values will be remembered when you return to the page, until you log out. | 3868 | |
Admin Attendance | Period Attendance | Schools were not able to save a G-day Attendance record while signing out for a Period that already had a sign-in record. We fixed that. Here's an example of the issue: Suppose a student arrives at school at 9:50 am (during a block that is 8-11). Then you record that she leaves at 10:15 because she is sick. This worked. What didn't work: Rather than leaving sick, record she leaves at 10:15 under a G code for a cultural activity organized by the school; the system didn't let you keep both (regardless of your answer to a message indicating that there is already attendance taken). | 1072 | |
Demit Student | The Next School BSID field is now mandatory when the Departure Reason is "Transferred Prior to Completion - To This School Board" in the student DEMIT/NO SHOW pop-up window. An error message, "Mandatory Field," displays if the field is empty. | 711 | ||
EAS/ | Class Subjects | 03592403 | 4224 | |
SAS | Copy Stud. Subject Assignment | When copying Subject assignments for a student, if the student already has an Achievement record for the same Subject and Report Period, the "Technical problem has occurred" error will no longer be generated. | 03599440 | 4160 |
SAS | Compulatory Credits | Processing of Equivalent Credit Courses for students working on an OSSC award will now successfully count Geography, History and Arts credits as Compulsory Credits. | 4613 | |
SAS | Compulatory Credits | Students who had previously worked on an OSSC and are now working on an OSSD do not have their Compulsory Credit information display correctly. We fixed that, to ensure the student's most-recent award is identified as the one to consider when performing Compulsory Credit calculations. | 3416 | |
Scheduling | FTE | Students who had more than one home school during the academic year, and who had been shared to multiple schools during the year, are having the most-recent home school identified on their shared school enrolment records. As a result, their minutes of instruction at the shared school are reported only through their most-recent home school. We fixed that. A script will be available in the near future to help identify and correct the students having this issue. | 3647 | |
Security | Security Tasks | We created a new security task, Attendance Achievement Report to control access to the Attendance/Achievement Report, instead of it being included under the Secondary Achievement Reports task. Please adjust your security roles accordingly, to ensure the desired users have, or continue to have, access to this report. Note: You'll need to upgrade to Trillium Reports 5.41.00 (scheduled for release at the end of August) in order to see the report through the reports button of TWebSchAdmin. | 565 | |
Student Maintenance | Schools will now be able to share a student in the current year to the same school that the student has been preregistered at for the next school year. For example, an elementary student can be shared to a secondary school this year, even though the student is preregistered at the same secondary school for the following school year. | 03585842 | 3966 | |
Student Maintenance | Add New Student | Schools who had created a new Program encountered an error indicating that the student's Program was not available when they attempted to register a student into the Program for the first day of the Program. We fixed that. | 03581344 | 4562 |
Student Maintenance | Add New Student | When a student is enrolled in a Continuing Education school, their Transcript School has been automatically changed to that school, instead of determining whether the Con-Ed school would accept OSRs. We fixed that. | 03585902, 03581674, 03597366 | 4031 |
Student Maintenance | Add New Student | When adding a student to a summer school, the cohort field on the Add New Student screen was not always populated with the student's cohort information. We fixed that. | 03590419, 03583309 | 4431 |
Student Maintenance | Demit/Noshow Students | Schools are now able to demit students from a Continuing Education school while the student is concurrently active at a day school. | 03644814 | 4739/4515 |
Student Maintenance | Add New Contact | When adding a new Contact, the Gender values of X (Neither M/F) and N (Not Disclosed) are no longer available. These values are only appropriate for students, and will be available in a future release. Any genders of X or N currently recorded for a Contact will be updated to U (Unknown) as part of the upgrade package. | 4064 | |
Student Maintenance | Addresses | Some users encountered the situation where a valid address was unable to be saved a second time. We fixed that. | 673 | |
Student Maintenance | Addresses | Some addresses, while they could be added successfully the first time, generated "Street Does Not Exist' message when you attempt to select the street from the picklist. We resolved that. | 2933 | |
Student Maintenance | Addresses | When adding a new address or editing an existing address for a student, the corresponding address for their siblings or contacts will receive the same priority value, as long as the sibling or contact does not have any other active addresses. If the sibling or contact has an active address then the new address will be given a lower priority. | 3001 | |
Student Maintenance | FSL | The validation messages for French as a Second Language minutes of instruction have been changed to warnings to match the corresponding OnSIS validation. | 680 | |
Student Maintenance | Phones | Telephone numbers with comments that include an ampersand can now be saved successfully. | 03589041 | 4033 |
Student Maintenance | Registration | During the Online Registration of a student born outside of Canada, the Province of birth was set to 'ON' by default. We included a script in the main upgrade package to remove "ON" province for these students. TWebOLR 1.71.10 corrects this issue. | 4762 | |
Student Maintenance | Sheltered Students | You no longer need the security task STUMNT – Demo – Sheltered Display to modify the Sheltered Student checkbox. You must have either STUMNT – Demo – Sheltered Modify or STUMNT – Demo – Sheltered Entry. Note: STUMNT – Demo – Sheltered Entry will only allow you to select the Sheltered Student flag when it is empty. If you have only this security task, you're not able to clear the Sheltered Student checkbox. | 3822 | |
Student Maintenance | Share Student | TWebSchAdmin 5.40.45 included a change that restricted the sharing of students to only students who were currently active at the home school. We've rescinded this change. Schools have expressed the need to share students while they are pre-registered at their home school. Note: The students cannot be activated at the shared school until they are active at their home school. | 3482 | |
Student Maintenance | Share Student | A student who transfers from his home school to his shared school can now be successfully shared back to his previous home school. | 3483 | |
TWebIS | Some shared schools are not being identified correctly, resulting in additional enrolment records being included under the transportation TWebIS extract. We made modifications to ensure the student's registration record correctly identifies the type of school they're attending (e.g. Home, Shared, Continuing Ed). | 715 |
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