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SDAS Update v.5.20.00


SDAS v.5.20.00 - September 2016



SDAS v.5.20.00 requires:

  • Core Trillium v.3.15.10 and newer;
  • Trillium Interfaces v.3.15.10;
  • TWebServices v.5.20.00 and newer.

In this release, we enhanced the application to work with Chrome and Edge. The SDAS link should have the following format: https://<server>/SDAS.


Release Notes

Module/FunctionDetailsTicket #
EnhancementsThe Error Message Birth date is invalid or not specified - Must be in yyyymmdd format was changed to be more clear: Birth date should be less than today. This addresses the scenario when students' birthdays are to a future date.101903
FixesWhen you Click About, we now display the proper page.97347 


When you add or update an existing record for Q course (PLE, QAP, QEE, QEV, QEY, QMA, QSE) these conditions now occur:

a.    Compulsory2, Compulsory3, Credits Compulsory2, Credits Compulsory 2 and all SHSM Requirement Areas and SHSM Credit Values are disabled;

b.    Course section - Sec field will have read only access;

c.    Compulsory1 and correspondent Credits Compulsory1 stay enabled;

d.    If you change values under the Compulsory1 picklist, the corresponding Course Section value is updated programmatically.

For Equivalent courses, SDAS will disable Compulsory2, Compulsory3, Credits Compulsory2 and Credits Compulsory3.

We added the new requirement area Exempt from the 34-credit threshold for Equivalent course credits exempt from High Credits calculation. The new requirement area is applicable only to Equivalent courses. No compulsory credits are allowed for the new requirement area. Validation ensures credits for the Exempt from the 34-credit threshold requirement area are not exceeding the total of English, French and Elective credits.

AchievementStudent Transcript  now shows all courses (including equivalent courses) in school-year order.101949


We fixed Import student data. When importing student information to SDAS, we validate whether a student record exists in your SDAS database. If it does, and it contains correspondent student achievement data, this record is now updated.


ImportThe application no longer imports students in grades SP, UG without an award, if they have achievements in the Import file. They are rejected with the message Latest award is invalid or not specified for secondary student. Grades SP, UG can belong to Elementary student and Secondary students as well. So, if achievement records exist in the file, the student is considered a Secondary student.101950
ImportSDAS now imports and exports the Number of Credits Exempt from 34-Credit Threshold value for Q courses. In SDAS, this value is converted to the Requirement Area code EX. For this specific code, no Compulsory Credit is required; only Attempted and Earned Credits are populated.98838
ImportWe created consistency between loading using the Import functionality and updating Student Achievement data using  the Achievement screen.  The former inconsistencies were with data validation for Q courses.101940


SDAS no longer exports 'Not Eligible' Q courses into Trillium. 

When Q courses with multiple requirement areas were formerly imported from CT to SDAS, SDAS created a separate achievement record for each requirement area. We've modified SDAS to validate whether achievement records have the same value for OST Eligibility and Type. Users are now restricted from setting different values for those two fields on the same Q course. 

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