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TrilliumReports: Update v.5.42.00


TrilliumReports v.5.42.00 - January 2019.


Compatible with Core Trillium 4.00.00.
If you have not already done so, you must update to TrilliumReports v.5.40.50 or 5.41.00 prior to installation.


TrilliumReports v.5.42.00 download is here.

Release Notes

FunctionDetailsClient Ticket #



Credit Counselling Summary Report

We added the SHSM Component and checkboxes for the Sector-Partnered Contextualized Experience (SPC) information to the second page of the Credit Counselling Summary Report. Learn more here.
Credit Counselling Summary ReportThe First Language field is now populated on the Credit Counselling Summary.035807511623
Index Card (Long & Short) ReportWe replaced the label Aboriginal Identification with Indigenous Student on the Index Cards. 
KG Report Card

Some minor formatting changes are included on the Kindergarten Report Cards:

  • When printing the names of school staff using the format of surname, first initial; a comma is now included after the surname.
  • If multiple homeroom or ECE teacher names are printed, a slash ("/") is used to separate the names of the two people.
  • When displaying phone numbers, we ensured the format includes a space after the area code.
Selective Marks ReportThe Selective Marks and the Selective Marks by Teacher reports are now adjusted to print all columns, without a truncation, using standard letter-size paper.132224727

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