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Student Maintenance: Transfer Within School Board

In Student Maintenance, you've hovered over Transfer Student and then clicked the top choice; Transfer Within School Board. This page is used to Transfer students to other school(s) within your board. Boards are able to either allow single or multiple transfers using a board preference.
This page is not applicable to ConEd schools.

When transferring a student from the student's home school to his shared school and the student is still active or prereg in the shared school, the transfer process will automatically perform all the necessary modifications to the student's enrolment and registration records to transform the shared school to the student's home school.
The system will not allow this transfer process to happen in advance. When transferring a student to his shared school (ex: shared school will be the student's home school in the second semester) perform the following actions:

  1.  Do not transfer the student until the day the student will depart his home school.
  2.  Do not depart the student from his shared school (ex: future departure, last day of first semester)
  3.  Schedule the student in the shared school as usual (ex: for the second semester)
  4.  Transfer the student from his home school to his shared school on the day the student departed his home school (ex: on the first day of the second semester)
  5.  The transfer process will demit the student from his home school, will keep the student's scheduled courses in the shared school, and will perform all necessary modifications to make the shared school the student's home school.


  • This feature requires the "All Students" flag to be set ON and it adheres to the "Update Flag" setting for the particular user's role when determining if the functionality action buttons are visible.
  • If a user is assigned proper tasks but have the All Students flag set OFF, then regardless of the update flag settings the user will have Read-Only access to the page.
  • There are also board preferences that control access to some pieces of information used while registering a student.
  • Access to this tab is controlled by these security tasks: 

Full Name

Where Used

STUMNT - Transfer Student menu

STUMNT - Controls access to Transfer Student menu option

STUMNT - RegStu- Transfer/Register Students 

STUMNT - Controls access to Register Transferred Students, Register Shared Students, Transfer within School Board, Send Students to Coned, and Share within School Board

Transfer Students

A message is displayed on the top of the page with the total number of students who were transferred and returned to your school.

Page Controls

This section is used to define the transfer date. This date will be used as the student's departure date.

Transfer/Departure Date

Select/Enter the departure date. The date must be the weekday after the student's last day in school. For example, if the student's last day is Friday, enter Monday's date. This is a mandatory field.

Teacher Notices

This box displays the status of the Teacher Notices as per your school preference. You are allowed to changed the value.
If the checkbox is selected, then transferred students will appear on the Add/Delete Notices for Teachers Report if they meet the criteria defined in the school preference.

This section is used to select the school(s) to which the student(s) will be transferred. Based on a board preference you will be able to transfer students to only one or multiple schools.


Select the school the majority of students will be attending from the picklist. Only schools within your Board are displayed. If one or two students are not transferring to the same school as the majority of students, their selections can be individually altered after entering this information. If transfer to multiple schools is allowed at your board then a list of several schools can be built for transfer. For example, you can choose to transfer your students to two different schools for the next year where the students would be registered in one school for the first semester and in the other school for the second semester. This is a mandatory field.


Use this button to create the Transfer Schools list.
If you decided to add another school after the student list was created, you will need to refresh the students list to add this school to every student listed by clicking Find again.


Clicking Delete removes a school from the list.
If you decided to remove a school after the student list was created, you will need to refresh the students' list to remove this school from all listed students by clicking Find again.

Transfer Default Values

Demit Reason

Select the demit reason from the picklist. The demit code would be "This Board" or a code that has been mapped to this standard code. These were established in the Demit Reasons validation table.

All Early Completion Courses are Completed

Selecting this checkbox indicates all courses have been completed for students with early completion courses.
If all courses are not completed for all students, you will be allowed to indicate which courses are not completed after you find the students.

Reason for Leaving School

This field will appear if the Board preference "Display Reason for Leaving School" is selected. Select the leaving school reason from the picklist. This list is maintained in the Reason for Leaving School validation table.

Student Search
The fields in this section will be used to filter the list of searched students.
If selecting an entire class (for example, all of a Grade 8 class are graduating to Grade 9 and going to secondary school), use the following fields to select the group. If you are seeking only one student (for example, a student who is moving to different school), use the Student Name field to find the student.


Select the Grade to limit the student list to only students in the selected Grade.

School Track

Select a school Track to find only students who are enrolled in that Track.

Student Name

This field is used to find a particular student. Start typing the name to get a list of students who match your search. You will only see active Students who have no future:

  • Transfer records;
  • Departure record;
  • Share records.

You must select a student from the list to transfer. Partial names cannot be found.

Class Effective Date

Select or enter a valid date. This date will be used to find only students who were enrolled in the selected Class on the selected date. Mandatory only if a class is selected


Select a class to find only students who were enrolled in that Class on the selected Class Effective Date. Mandatory only if an effective date is entered.

Not Transferred

Select this option to find students who could be transferred to the defined school(s).


Select this option to find students that were transferred, but not yet registered, in the receiving schools in the default school year.
You will be allowed to redirect those students to other schools.

Transferred and Registered

Select this option to find students that were transferred and registered in another school.


Select this option to list all students who were transferred and returned to your school by the receiving school.
You will be allowed to transfer those students again.

Find Button

Click Find to get students based on your search criteria and transfer default values.

Search Results
This section displays the list of students as per your search criteria. You will be able to transfer one or more students.


A checkbox allows you to select/deselect all rows on the current page or on all pages.
Select the students to share/undo share.

Student Name/ Student Number

Displays students' preferred name and student number

Student Information Icon

Click this icon to view the students' gender and birthdate information.

Early Completion box and icon.

The box and the icon will be displayed only for students with early completion courses. You will not be allowed to select a student to transfer unless this box is selected.
To set this box ON, either set the "All Early Completion Courses are Completed" box in the default section to ON and apply it to the selected students, or click on the icon and select the early completion courses from the student courses list and click Save.

Transfer to School

This field indicates the school the student will be transferred to. It is copied from the Transfer to School section. You are allowed to change this value.

Demit Reason

Displays the demit reason that will be used to demit the selected students.

Reason for Leaving School

This field is controlled by the board preference "Reason for Leaving School." Your board can control setting this value and can also control if this field should be mandatory or not.
This list is maintained in the Reason for Leaving School validation table.

Apply Defaults to Selected

Click this button to apply the default values to the selected students. You should be able to change the applied values in the grid. You could also change the default values and apply them to another set of selected students.


Click Transfer to run the transfer process for the selected students. At the end of the process you will get a message to inform you on the total number of processed and successfully transferred students.


When enabled, click Errors to display and print the errors occurred during the transfer process.

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