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Student Maintenance: Programs & Classes - Other Board Courses

Other Board Courses, an accordion bar under the Programs and Classes menu option, is used to enter and edit program information on a single student. 


Access to the screen is controlled by STUMNT - StuPro - Student Registration access
The section is visible if, for the selected school, the preference Track Courses at Other Boards is selected. 

Field Descriptors

34 Credit Status


The default value is Eligible. When this student's October 31 field has "IEP in effect at other Board" selected, the value changes to Exempt/Other Board IEP.


The default value is Eligible. When this student's March 31 field has "Student has IEP in effect at other Board" selected, the value changes to Exempt/Other Board IEP.

Note: Other Board Courses information is not required for students who are exempt from 34 credit calculations.

Information from Other Board

Total Prior Non-Exempt Credits

Displays the number of total prior non-exempt credits the student has earned.

Prior Credits

Displays the number of Prior Credits.

Student has IEP in effect at other Board for:

October 31

When this checkbox is selected, the value in the October field changes from Eligible to Exempt/Other Board IEP

March 31

When this checkbox is selected, the value in the March field changes from Eligible to Exempt/Other Board IEP

Other Board Course Table


The checkboxes are visible if you have update privileges.

Course Code

Select the course code from the picklist.
This is a mandatory field.

Attempted Credit

Enter the Attempted Credits.

Earned Credit

Enter the Earned Credits.


Select the semester from the picklist.
This is a mandatory field.

Day School

Select this checkbox if the course is offered at Day School.

Enrolled as of October

Select this checkbox if the student was enrolled as of October

Enrolled as of March

Select this checkbox if the student was enrolled as of March

Earned as of October

Select this checkbox if the student earned the credit as of October

Earned as of March

Select this checkbox if the student earned the credit as of March

Command Buttons


Saves all new and modified data to the database.


Adds an empty row to the Other Board Courses table if you have update privileges.


Adds an empty row to the Other Board Courses table if you have update privileges.


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