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Via Forms (Online Registration) v.3.6


Via Online Forms - Online Registration 3.6. May, 2018


  These components and versions are required:

  • Core Trillium v.4.00.00 or higher
  • VIA Platform v.1.2.9 or higher
  • TWebOLR v.1.71.00 or higher
  • Trillium Agent v.2.91.00
  • TWebServices-Auth v.5.40.10

Your download is here

Important Note

PowerSchool Trillium is pleased to announce the release of Via Demographic Updater, an optional web-based module which permits parents to see their students information from your Trillium database; allowing updates to student and contact information. All Trillium and Via modules have been enhanced to work with Demographer Updater, which we expect to release later this month. To get more information on this new module, please contact our sales staff, Jeannette Peoples and  Marvin Viegas.

Release Notes

AreaDetailsClient Ticket #
PicklistsOnce users made a selection in most picklists, they were unable to deselect the choice and leave the field blank. We've fixed that and have more information here.139684
Student EntryThe right end of most headers in Student and Contact information areas, such as Telephone and eMail, now has a clear-all button. It allows you to clear all of the Student's or Contact's information in that particular area. Or, you can clear the entire Contact.
Student EntryThe OEN Field now specifies the formation in which you must enter the number and will accept entries in that format only.
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