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Continuing Education: Achievement - Entry by Student

Either through the TWebSchool Landing Page or by a saved link, you're in the Continuing Education portion of Trillium Web. You've gone here: Lesson Based Courses > Achievement.


The Achievement – Entry by Student page is used for to entering Marks, learning skills and Comments for individual students by Course/Section. This document describes how to enter Achievement information for a single student.

Step by Step

  1. When you Click Lesson-Based Courses > Achievement,  the Achievement – Entry by Student page displays;
  2. Select the desired Report Period from the Report Period drop-down list;
  3. Select the desired Course/Section from the Course – Section drop-down list;
  4. Students enrolled in the selected Course/Section are alphabetically listed, to a maximum of 14 students, on the left side of the screen. If there are more than 14 students in the Course/Section, link buttons display at the top of the list to let you access a different block of students;
  5. By default the first student at the top of the list is automatically selected. To select a different student, click that student’s name;
  6. Enter a Mark for the selected student into the Mark field;
    Note: Entering and saving a Final Mark for a student automatically triggers a credit calculation and updates the student’s transcript in Trillium;

  7. If the selected school is using Trillium to record Attendance, the student’s absences and lates will be shown in the Abs and Lates fields and the fields will be read-only. If the school does not record Attendance through Trillium, these fields will be open to let you manually enter Attendance;

  8. The values in the IEP, French and Delivery Mod” fields are drawn from their sister fields in the “Transcript Notes” Section of the “Courses” window in Trillium. These fields will be read-only, unless you have been granted security privileges that allow you to change them;

  9. Once the Course is finished, the SHSM checkbox will be selected if the SHSM Earned Credit value is greater than zero. Prior to the Course being finished, this checkbox will be flagged if the Course matches a Course listed in the SHSM validation table for the student’s specific major. The student’s SHSM start/earned/dropped dates will be referenced to verify the student is participating in the SHSM at the end of the Report Period date range OR on the student’s Departure Date (last Attendance-taking day);

  10. If applicable, select the Interview checkbox to indicate an interview has been requested with the student’s parents or guardians;

  11. Learning Skills can be entered into the Learning Skills fields by selecting an option from the drop-down list in each field. Alternatively, Learning Skills can be entered by pressing the key that corresponds to the applicable value. The available values are:

    • E – Excellent

    • G – Good

    • S – Satisfactory

    • N – Needs Improvement

  12. The Comment box in the middle of the page is used for recording Achievement Comments. The maximum amount of information the Comment box can contain, in characters, is shown under the box. As information is entered into, or removed from, the Comment box the Current counter is updated to reflect the change. When the maximum amount of information has been reached, the Maximum and Current counters will match and an error message appears;

  13. Two options exist for entering Comments: 1) manually; or 2) automatically through the use of the Comment bank;

  14. To enter Comments manually, click in the Comment box and type the desired information. Comments can also be copied from an external source, such as Microsoft Word, and pasted into the box using either the right-click mouse menu or the CTRL+V keyboard combination;

  15. The area under the Comment box is used for retrieving Comments from the Comment banks and inserting them into the Comment box. Comments from the Comment banks can be inserted into the box singly or en masse. To insert Comments into the box one at a time, do this:
    a) Select the Comment bank from which the Comment will be retrieved (School or Personal);
    b) Select the type of Comment from the Comment Type drop-down list;
    c) Click Select. Comments that match the selected Comment type will be listed in the results pane;
    Note: Displaying a large number of Comments can adversely affect system performance. Consequently, TWebCE will display a prompt before doing so, to let you to cancel the retrieval. You can then adjust your selection criteria before performing the retrieval again;
    d) Comments that are too long to fit onscreen are indicated by ellipses at the end of the visible Comment text. To view the full text of such Comments, hover over the Comment. The full Comment text will be shown in a tooltip. Alternatively, you can click on the magnifying glass at the start of the Comment row to expand the Comment text. Clicking on the glass a second time collapses the text;
    e) Click a Comment header to sort the Comment list. Comments can be sorted alphabetically by Comment text or type, or numerically by Comment code;
    f) Click a Comment to insert it into the Comment box. Inserted Comments can be edited;
    Note: Comments may contain placeholder variables (e.g. *4* or *N*) that temporarily take the place of the student’s name or gender-specific pronouns. When a Comment is inserted into the Comment box, TWebCE replaces any placeholder variables with the student’s name and/or gender specific pronouns as applicable;

  16. To insert multiple Comments into the Comment box, enter the corresponding Comment codes into the unlabelled code boxes directly under the Comment box. You can enter a maximum of seven codes at once;

  17.  Click Get Comment. The Comments will be inserted into the Comment box in the order their codes appear in the code boxes;

  18. To check the spelling of the contents of the Comment box Click Spell Check, under the main menu. The Spell Check pop-window will display the contents of the Comment box shown in the upper part of the window;

  19. Starting at the beginning of the Comment block, TWebCE checks spelling and pauses at any word for which it detects a problem. It then flags the word in red text and provides a problem description under the Comment box. You can then perform an action on the word by clicking on a command button.

This chart explains the functions of the buttons in the Spell Check window

  • Ignore: Ignore the currently flagged word. Use this when the word appears only once and you know its spelling is correct. If the word appears more than once, only the current instance will be ignored. Subsequent occurrences of the word will still be flagged.
  • Ignore All: Ignore the current instance of the flagged word and all further occurrences. Use this when you know the word is spelled correctly and it appears several times in the Comment block.
  • Change: Change the currently flagged word to the selected suggestion. For misspelled words, TWebCE provides a list of suggested replacements in the Suggestions box with the first suggestion selected by default. You can change the suggestion by selecting a different word from the list. In the case of duplicate words (i.e. identical words that occur right next to each other) the Change to and Suggestion fields will be empty. Leave the fields empty and Click Change to remove the duplicates.
    • Change All: Change all occurrences of the flagged word at once to the selected suggestion.
    • Apply: Save all changes and close the Spell Check window.
    • Undo Last: Undo the most-recent change caused by selecting Change or Change All. Repeatedly clicking the Undo Last button undoes changes in the reverse order in which they were made.
    • Cancel: Close the Spell Check window without saving any changes.

20. Click Previous Achievement to produce a pop-up window that shows Achievement information for the selected student, in a read-only format, for all Report Periods;

21. Click Save to save all edits made on the Entry by Student page. Remember to save often to prevent data loss due to application timeouts or power interruptions;
22. Click Clear to erase the contents of the Comment box for the currently selected student. Use this button with caution, as the Comments will be erased without warning or prompting.

Note: Changes made by clicking Clear are not committed until you've clicked Save. If you inadvertently click Clear, do not perform a Save. Instead, choose a different student, choose No when prompted to save, then select the original student. The Comment box will show the contents as they were at the time of the last save.

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