Trillium OnSIS: Update v. 4.07.30
Trillium OnSIS v.4.07.30 - September 2022
This version is compatible with Core Trillium 4.15.01 and higher.
OnSIS Reminder
Do not use Excel to edit, modify or save your CSV files, as it changes the formatting and causes errors during the loading of these files. Use Notepad to edit, modify, or save those files.
Download OnSIS 4.07.30 here.
HotFix 1
Issue #1: In some situations, secondary school students who had departed in the March submission were being included in the June submission. This has been corrected.
Issue #2: When creating secondary school submission files for schools who shared the same bsid, student's course information was being duplicated and reported under both schools. This has been corrected.
Release Notes
Function | Description | Client ticket # | JIRA |
Snapshot & Reports | Students with ended FSL second language program information are no longer reported with ‘ADD’ records in the transmission file, nor counted twice in the Section F report. | 06231082 | TRILL-10592 |
Snapshot | When processing a high volume of report card information, some schools encountered an issue with subject information failing to be reported. This has been corrected. | 06569779 | TRILL-10643 |
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