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Ontario Reporting: Update v.3.10.10


 Trillium Ontario Reporting v.3.10.10 - October 2017


Trillium Ontario Reporting v.3.10.10 is compatible with Core Trillium v.3.15.25, and higher.

Release Notes



Student Extracts

This version provides the EQAO updates necessary for the 2017-2018 school year. In addition to updates for Grades 3 & 6, 9, and 10, extracts for TIMSS, PCAP and PISA are also available.


Student Extracts

Extracts having a Permanent Residence field have the value set to Yes (Code 1) if the student's Status in Canada is reported as Student VisaOther Visa, or None of the Above (Codes 4, 5 and 6).

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