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Trillium Interfaces: Update v.4.00.00


 Trillium Interfaces v.4.00.00 - February, 2018. Updated August, 2018


An updated version of Trillium Interfaces 4.00.00 Installer (executable) is now available. It fixes the items shaded in the chart below.

Trillium Interfaces v.4.00.00 is compatible with Core Trillium 3.16.00 and higher

To ensure Windows 10 compatibility, product stability and improve future support, we are pleased to introduce the latest release of Interfaces.

  • We built and tested Interfaces v.4.00.00 using the latest release of Appeon's PowerBuilder 2017 platform.
  • In order to provide continued support for both 32 and 64-bit Windows operating systems, this new version of Interfaces has been provided in 32-bit format.
  • You must use a 32-bit version of ODBC.
  • NOTE: Interfaces 4.00.00 is not an update to your existing Interfaces 3.xx.xx installation. It is a new and separate install.
  • Interfaces 4 application can be installed under any folder; you don't have to install it under the Trillium 4 folder.
    • If Interfaces is installed under your Trillium folder, the installer won't install common PowerBuilder libraries and will use from Trillium 4 folder.
    • If Interfaces is installed elsewhere, it will install all the required PowerBuilder libraries for Interfaces 4.00.00. 

Special Note: When scheduling an Interfaces task, please remember to keep your AT Service Account up to date and remember to run the Interfaces application as Administrator.  

Looking Ahead

In Q1 of 2019, we will be upgrading to a new version of PowerBuilder 2017. It will not support interaction with Java 6 utilities, only Java 8. Core Trillium uses some of these utilities as part of its framework, including the log-in process. As a result, when you upgrade any one of our four Trillium PowerBuilder applications (Core Trillium, OnSIS, OnRpts or Interfaces) using the new PowerBuilder 2017 version, it is mandatory you upgrade all four of those applications at the same time. Once these versions have been released, all future PowerBuilder releases will be built in this same version. Please plan to upgrade to these new versions in Q1 of 2019. 

This advisory affects only products we release in 2019 and after. It does not apply to our releases in November and December, 2018.


Download the August, 2018 revision of Interfaces 4.00.00 here.

Release Notes

ModuleDetailsClient Ticket #JIRA: Trill-
Technology UpgradeInterfaces application has been upgraded to Powerbuilder 2017

ExportUsers received a message when they click View File to open the Secondary Achievement Gradebook and could not open the Gradebook. We've corrected that by adding an additional file to the Installer.1412853761
Export - Student Education PathSTAT.txt file was not providing the  proper school value in the export's first column. We fixed that, so instead of just the first letter of the code, the complete school code successfully exports.139171, 1392351052

Export - Student Education Path

In Scheduling mode, our application was using the default export filename, instead of the name you set up.  We resolved that.


We modified the Interfaces Installer to resolve these issues:

  • Incorrect paths in TR_SITE.INI file for StruFile, StruLayout, StruSchedLayout files.
  • Installing Interfaces under the Trillium4 folder results in the installation of common files such as the INI files instead of using the existing files.
InstallSome clients were getting a database error when executing the script package of Interfaces 3.17.00. We fixed that issue.138645668
InstallThe file impsched.txt was inadvertently left out of the Interfaces v.3.16.00 update. We fixed that by including the file in the v.4.00.00 update folder.133941730

The Interface4 shortcut created in the Windows menu points to the wrong target executable. Instead of pointing to "C:\Trillium4\Interface4\trinterface.exe," it points to "C:\Trillium4\Interface4\trinterface4.exe." We fixed that.

Staff ImportWhen running the HR import file, users were getting this upload error: record_type' can not be empty **  for all records they tried to import. We fixed that.133648


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