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Ontario Reporting: Update v.4.01.20


Trillium Ontario Reporting v.4.01.20 - December, 2018


Trillium Ontario Reporting v. 4.01.20 is compatible with Core Trillium v.4.00.00, and higher.

You must be running Ontario Reporting v.4.01.0 0 to install this update.

Hotfix 1

Two issues with the OSSLT EQAO Student Extract were identified and corrected:

The OSSLT EQAO Student Extract now populates the StudentType tag, allowing the extract file to be successfully uploaded.

When creating the extract, students who are exempted, deferred, or completing the OSSLC course for the diploma literacy requirements will no longer generate the error "A student cannot be Exempted, Deferred or OSSLC and receive a Special Provision".

Hotfix 2

An issue with the EQAO OSSLT Extract was identified and corrected: 

The Date of First Time Eligible field was calculated to match the student's cohort, rather than being set to the year after the cohort value. This has been corrected.

A new error message now appears when you encounter a student who is identified as an adult or mature student and who has a cohort value of the current school year. In this situation, the student's cohort should be a past year.


Download Trillium Ontario Reporting v. here.

Instructions for installing or removing Ontario Reporting 4.x are here.

Release Notes

AreaDetailsClient Ticket #TRILL-
EQAO Extracts

For the Grade 10 OSSLT EQAO student extract, the value in Braille accommodation tag (AccBraille) now provides additional options for English boards. The following new values are valid for English schools:

  • English Braille American Edition (EBAE) (contracted)
  • English Braille American Edition (EBAE) (uncontracted)

In addition, when reporting the existing Braille version accommodations, different code values must be reported in the extract for these accommodations:

  • Braille version (Contracted) will be reported with a value of 3 for English boards.
  • Braille version (Uncontracted) will be reported with value 4 for English boards.

EQAO ExtractsIn TIMSS log file and Grade 3&6 report, the Exceptionality information will be displayed only for Special Education students.038339386234
EQAO ExtractsWe have updated the Grade 10 OSSLT EQAO Student Extract to match the 2018-19 specifications. Several new fields (EnrolledOntario, Refugee, FirstLanguage, BornOutsideCanada, and TimeInCanada) have been added in the file, and many of the accommodations and provision fields have been renamed.
EQAO Extracts

We have updated the Grade 3 & 6 EQAO Student Extract to match 2018-19 specifications. Two new fields (EnrolledOntario and Refugee) have been added in the file.

  • The EnrolledOntario field indicates whether the student has attended a publicly funded ON school for the previous two school years. Trillium will use the student's student registration records and/or entry codes to calculate this information.
  • The Refugee field indicates whether the student entered Canada as a refugee. We use the student's Status in Canada information and the new Entered Canada as a Refugee field in Core Trillium 4.11.00 and SchAdmin 5.41.00 to determine if the student has ever been identified as a Refugee.

Panorama ExtractWe modified the Panorama Extract to export the highest priority student and contact phone number. The associated Trillium phone type will be mapped to the corresponding Panorama value.
Panorama ExtractWhen reporting addresses in the Panorama file, street directions of NE, NW, SE and SW will now be included in the .xml.038001855747


The OSSLT EQAO Student Extract now populates the StudentType tag, allowing the extract file to be successfully uploaded.



When creating the extract, students who are exempted, deferred, or completing the OSSLC course for the diploma literacy requirements will no longer generate the error "A student cannot be Exempted, Deferred or OSSLC and receive a Special Provision".


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