Trillium OnSIS: Update v. 4.07.01
Trillium OnSIS v.4.07.01 - December 2021
This version is compatible with Core Trillium 4.15.01 and higher.
OnSIS Reminder
Do not use Excel to edit, modify or save your CSV files, as it changes the formatting and causes errors during the loading of these files. Use Notepad to edit, modify, or save those files.
Download OnSIS 4.07.01 here.
Release Notes
Function | Description | Client ticket # | JIRA |
Snapshot | ECPP submissions will no longer generate an error message for the student’s grade designation field. | 05880655 | TRILL-10385 |
Snapshot | For Inactive elementary students with no school closure attendance totals, the school_closure_days_absent_ytd tag will report as zero instead of null. | 05913936 | TRILL-10423 |
Snapshot | For Inactive secondary students, the school_closure_classes_missed tag will no longer be reported for withdrawn courses, | 05925650 05928535 | TRILL-10428 |
Snapshot | Elementary students are no longer captured in the OnSIS snapshot error report with the message 'Homeroom Cannot be Empty' for the 2021-2022 submissions. | 05919308 | TRILL-10445 |
Snapshot | The school_closure_days_absent_ytd tag is now included with a value of zero in the October 2021 submission for NoShow elementary students. | 05936768 05937472 05939233 | TRILL-10451 |
Transmission | Elementary schools of more than 1,000 students can now have their October transmission file generated successfully with all students included. | 05923744 06052815 | TRILL-10453 |
Snapshot | PLE and RCR courses no longer trigger an error regarding an invalid combination of course code and course language. | 05628960 05660125 05675672 | TRILL-10214 |
Transmission | Elementary schools of more than 1,000 students can now have their June transmission file generated successfully with all students included. | 05933789 | TRILL-10460 |
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