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Prepare Documents with eDocs

Navigate to a student folder and select Prepare from the eDocs section.

The Prepare Documents page includes two sections:

  • Document Checklist
  • Prepare Documents

Teachers can use Teacher Desk to manage letter of recommendation requests, complete the Common App form, and upload their letters of recommendation.

Navigate to the Teacher Recommendations manager to review a list of letter of recommendation requests at your school.

Document checklist

Use the document checklist to keep track of initial, optional, midyear, final, or teacher documents that you may need to submit for a student's application. As you prepare documents, a checkmark displays for the document in the checklist.

Prepare documents

The Prepare Documents section is organized into the following categories:

  • Counselor Documents
  • Teacher Documents
  • Transcripts
  • School Documents

Click Add Documents in the section header to prepare any document. Prepared documents are listed in the corresponding category and display the recipient, author, and added/updated date. Optionally, edit, download, or delete the documents.

Manage school documents

In Naviance eDocs, school documents include information relevant to all student applications.

  • Prepare school documents once per school year.
  • Submit school documents for all students.

School profile

  1. Navigate to any student folder and select Prepare from the eDocs section.

  2. Click Add Documents
  3. Select School Documents and click Next.
  4. From Step 2:
    1. Confirm that Type is set to School Profile.
    2. Click Add file and choose the file to upload.
    3. Click Add Document. The School Profile is available from School Documents, where you can edit, download, or delete the document.

School information

School Information is a form that you will complete in Naviance eDocs. The data from the form, such as graduation date, class size, and international school information, auto-populates Common App and NACAC forms in eDocs.

  1. Navigate to the gear icon and select Setup.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. Select eDocs.
  4. From School Profile and Information, click Update Info Form.
  5. Enter the information.
  6. Click Update.
Alternatively, navigate to any student folder and select Prepare from the eDocs section. Click Add Documents, select School Documents, and then click Next. Click Prepare Form, enter the information, and then click Save Updates.

Recommender profiles

From School Documents, Recommender Profiles are available for the student's assigned counselor and any teachers who were requested to write a letter of recommendation for the student.

  • The information in the recommender profiles populates Common App and NACAC forms.
  • Information from My Account populates the recommender profile. To ensure the most accurate information, the user should review and update their My Account information.

To update a counselor or teacher recommender profile, navigate to a student folder and select Prepare from the eDocs section. Locate your recommender profile from School Documents and click edit.

You must update your recommender profile to save a form or submit documents.

Manage student-specific documents

Naviance refers to Counselor Documents, Teacher Documents, and Transcripts as student-specific documents. Manage student-specific documents from Prepare in the eDocs section of the corresponding student folder.

Navigate to the Application Manager to review a list of all students for whom you need to prepare and submit documents.

Upload documents and prepare forms

  1. Navigate to the student folder and select Prepare from the eDocs section.
  2. Click Add Documents.
  3. From the Select Document Type menu, select Counselor Documents, Teacher Documents, or Transcripts, and then click Next.
  4. To prepare a form:
    1. Click Prepare a Form.
    2. Select a Form Type from the list and click Prepare Form.
    3. Enter the information and click Save updates.
  5. To upload a file:
    1. Click Upload a File.
    2. Optionally, select a non-Common App institution from the Application list.
    3. Select the document to upload from the Type list.

      The max file size is 500kb. The supported file types are PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, TXT, and RTF.
    4. Click Add file to locate the document to upload.
    5. Click Add Document.
Replace a document to override an existing file.

Manage transcripts

Add or update transcripts for individual students.

Replace a transcript for a single student

  1. Navigate to the student folder and select Prepare from the eDocs section.
  2. Click the pencil icon for the selected transcript.
  3. Click Add File and locate the transcript to upload.
  4. Click Upload File.

Delete a transcript for a single student

  1. Navigate to the student folder and select Prepare from the eDocs section.
  2. Click the trash icon for the selected transcript.
  3. Click Delete Document from the modal.
Upload transfer transcripts

Transfer transcripts are transcripts from previous schools your students attended. You must submit Transfer Transcripts with initial documents. If you do not submit transfer transcripts with the initial transcripts, you cannot use this option.

  • You can have a maximum of three transfer transcripts for a single student in Naviance.
  • Upload and send transfer transcripts in the same manner as regular transcripts.
  • When sending a transfer transcript to a Common App school, you must send it with the School Report (SR).

Use the Common App Optional Reports 1 and 2

Updates to sendAttachments needed

Transcripts with updated or predicted grades

Optional Transcript, Grade Report/Report Card, or both.

You must submit an Optional Transcript or Grade Report/Report Card with the Optional Report 1 or 2.

Class rank

No attachments are needed.

Complete the Class Rank section of the Optional Report.

Student GPA

No attachments are needed.

Complete the Student GPA section of the Optional Report.

Change to student's enrolled courses

Optional Explanation of Change.

You must submit an Optional Explanation of Change with the Optional Report 1 or 2.

Change to counselor evaluation

Optional Explanation of Change.

You must submit an Optional Explanation of Change with the Optional Report 1 or 2.

Other corrections or updates

Optional Explanation of Change.

You must submit an Optional Explanation of Change with the Optional Report 1 or 2.

Use the Multiple Transcript Manager

Upload Initial, midyear, and final transcripts in bulk for juniors, seniors, and year one alumni using the Multiple Transcript Manager.

Ensure your student data in Naviance matches the student data on your transcripts. Include the student's first and last name and date of birth, state student ID, or student ID on every transcript page. Additionally, a student's Naviance account must be active to match in the Multiple Transcript Manager.

Before using the multiple transcript manager, export a bulk PDF, XML, or zipped XML transcript file from your student information system (SIS) no larger than 14 MB. Transcripts must be unsecured and unencrypted.

If using a Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council (PESC) XML batch file, include one or more student transcripts per file, use the Batch PESC XML format from your SIS even if the file only contains one transcript, and ensure that your transcripts meet the data requirements for Indiana public schools.

  1. From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Multiple Transcript Manager.

    If the Multiple Transcript Manager is not listed under Quick Links on your Naviance homepage, ensure you have the permission Upload multiple transcripts assigned to your user role.
  2. Click Upload a New File.
  3. Click Start Uploading.
  4. Select the Transcript Type and Class Year.

    You can only upload transcripts in bulk for juniors, seniors, and year-one alumni.
  5. Drag and drop or upload your transcript file.
  6. Select Begin Matching after your upload completes.
  7. When matching is complete, click Review Transcripts to review a high-level summary of matched and unmatched transcripts.

    Verify that all transcript pages were matched to the correct student when importing multi-page transcripts.

    Select Page Actions to reorder pages and unlink or omit pages.

  8. Click any unmatched transcript to review the details and search for the student.
  9. When matching is complete, click Add Matches to eDocs to add the matched transcripts to eDocs.
  10. Click Continue.
  11. Click Close and then optionally:
    • Select Yes, I will resume this at a later time. You cannot upload a new file until you resume your sessions and indicate you are done.
    • Select No, I'm done and do not need to come back to this. You can upload a new file.

Multiple Transcript Manager history

From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Multiple Transcript Manager. From the Multiple Transcript Manager history page, review the upload history, click Continue to resume work, click Close to end current work, upload a new set of transcripts, or determine if someone else is working on the transcripts.

Failed upload details

  1. From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Multiple Transcript Manager and then select Past History.
  2. Review the number of transcripts added to eDocs and the number of failed transcripts.
  3. From the Number Failed column, select a number to display a list of students whose transcripts were not added to their student folders.
  4. Select a student name to be redirected to the student folder. From there, review the warning. Choose to upload the transcript for the student again or dismiss the warning and remove the student from that upload history.

    If you are not resolving the issue immediately, do not dismiss the warning so the student remains on the failed transcript list.
  5. Contact PowerSchool Support for assistance.

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