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SchoolSync Setup

Step 1: Install cURL

SchoolSync™ uses cURL, a free command-line tool, to securely transfer import files without using a web browser.

cURL is an open-source, computer software project that can be used on the Linux/Unix, Macintosh, and Windows operating systems.. The project provides a library and command-line tool for transferring data using various protocols. These two products are libcurl and curl.

  • The two products are typically pre-installed on Mac OSX and most Linux systems.
  • cURL must be installed on a Windows-based system.

Step 2: Analyze your CSV or TXT Import File for Accuracy

Before preparing and running your cURL statement, use the data import tool to complete an analysis of one manual import for each data type to be automated. During this step, set up field mapping to be used in the automation.

  1. Navigate to Settings, then select Setup,
  2. Choose Data Import, then select the data import to analyze such as Add new student records.
  3. Enter a Description for the upload.
  4. Click Choose File, then locate your TXT or CSV import file.
  5. Select comms(CSV) or tab from the list.
  6. Indicate if there is a header row.
  7. Select Analyze data without loading it, then click Continue.
  8. Ensure that your data is properly matched to a field in Naviance by selecting an option from the list for each field. This step ensures that the data automation will work correctly.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. Indicate how the Naviance fields with code values are represented in your data file so that they are properly imported.
  11. Click Continue. The Data Import History page displays the errors and warnings about your file. Clean up your data import file and try again until no errors remain. When your file is ready, start the automated import using cURL.

Step 3: Prepare to Write the cURL Statement

Before writing your cURL statements, gather data that will be useful in the process.

Data Import Key

Access to the SchoolSync™ web service is controlled using a Data Import Key, which is unique for each Naviance user who has data import privileges. The key is used to authenticate your requests to the SchoolSync™ web service through its inclusion in the cURL statement.

To find your Data Import Key, navigate to the gear icon, select Setup, then choose Data Import, then find the import key at the bottom of the page.

Account Name or Alias

In a school account, navigate to Connections, then select Naviance Student. The account name is the last piece of text at the end of your school's unique URL. For example, in this URL,, the account name is succeedhigh.

In a district account, locate the district account name or account alias on the District homepage by hovering over the i icon next to your district's name. To find the account names for schools in your district, navigate to the District Schools with Active Accounts section on the district homepage. The Account Name column displays each school's account name or alias.

Import File Location

Know the location pathway of your import file. You will need to copy and past this pathway in your cURL statement.

Move your import file to your cURL folder to keep all items together.

Data Type Codes

For each data type that you are creating an automated import, record the code for that data type.

Consultthe cURL Statement Tags and Codes page.

Step 4: Configure a cURL Statement for Each Automated Data Type

  1. Open Notepad from your PC.
  2. Copy and paste this statement as your template.
    curl -F datafile=@ -F account= -F username= -F key= -F type= -F state_exam_code= -F format= -F header= -F email= -F description=

    Districts need to change school_import.php to district_import.php.
  3. Retrievethe cURL statement codes, then add the appropriate statement text and codes into the cURL statement for your first import type, such as adding new student records.
  4. From the same Notepad file, create an additional statement for each import type.
  5. At the end of the cURL statement, type the word Pause to review the curl script errors when you run the statement script.
  6. Save the Notepad file as .BAT file to be used to run the automated imports.

    Save the file to the cURL folder that you created in Step 1.
  7. Close the notepad file and return to the folder where the file is saved and double-click the .BAT file. The Pause feature will cause the system to pause and display a success notification if everything is correct or a detailed error message in a command prompt window.
  8. If there are errors, right-click the .BAT file and select Edit with Notepad.
  9. Make the required changes to your cURL statement and run it again until you receive a success notification.
  10. After receiving a success notification, remove the word Pause from your .BAT file and click Save.

Ensure that the import was successful.

  1. Navigate to the gear icon, then select Setup.
  2. Select Data Import.
  3. From Options, select Data Import History.

Step 5: Automate the Process of Creating Data Import Files

Generate updated source files from your student information system, data warehouse, or another database on a regular basis. Use the scheduled export feature in your SIS, if available, or use Scheduled Tasks in MS Windows, Cron, or another method.

Step 6: Schedule cURL to Run at Regular Intervals

Use Scheduled Tasks, Cron, or another method to schedule the cURL statement file (.BAT) to run at regular intervals. You may wish to update student and parent demographics on a daily basis, as it changes frequently. Test score data that does not change regularly can be updated less frequently.

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