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Prepare for the Student Data Integration

PowerSchool SIS preparation

Before configuring the PowerSchool SIS student data integration in Naviance, complete the following steps.

Review the PowerSchool SIS student field mapping template

Learn more about the PowerSchool data fields to import, how they match with Naviance fields, and Naviance data fields not supported by your PowerSchool SIS.

Set up non-supported data fields via a manual data import or an automated import using SchoolSync™.

Prepare the PowerSchool SIS

  1. If importing GPAs:
    1. Review and verify your GPA calculation method. Retrieve the calculation method used for weighted and unweighted GPAs.
    2. Enable class rank at each school for which you will be importing data, whether class rank is used or not.
  2. Verify the fields for the SIS import. Review a list of commonly used PowerSchool SIS fields, then use Quick Export to select the field names to be used in your SIS import and confirm that the data populates correctly.
    1. Find students who have different values for Sched_YearOfGraduation, ClassOf, and StudentCoreFields.Graduation_Year.
    2. Confirm which field reflects the student's forecasted year of graduation. That field will be used when mapping to the Class_Year in Naviance unless you use a custom field for Class Year.

  3. If student email will be included in the data integration, verify the student email field to use. The Quick Export does not include email.
  4. Install the Naviance plugin and enable the integration.

Disable your Clever student import

If your district has an existing Naviance-Clever integration for student data, contact Naviance support to request a date and time to disable it before configuring the SIS integration.

SIS ID is a required field to identify and match existing students in a PowerSchool data integration.

  • If migrating from the legacy Clever integration, confirm the student IDs in Naviance are the same as the student IDs in your SIS.
  • If migrating from the new Clever integration, PowerSchool recommends taking a screenshot of the Matching fields page of your current Clever student integration to ensure you use the same field mapping in the PowerSchool data integration.

Update SchoolSync

Remove any fields you will import via the SIS integration from your automated SchoolSync imports, then update field mapping in Naviance.

eSchoolPlus SIS preparation

Before configuring the eSchoolPlus SIS student data integration in Naviance, complete the following steps.

Enable the integration

Enable the Naviance integration in your eSchoolPlus SIS. If it is already enabled, clear the integration, select Save, and then, enable the integration again.

You will need the eSchoolPlus SIS Domain, OIDC Discovery URL, Client ID, and Client Secret when configuring the integration in Naviance.

Review the eSchoolPlus SIS student field mapping template

Learn more about the eSchoolPlus data fields to import, how they match with Naviance fields, and Naviance data fields not supported by your PowerSchool SIS.

Review a list of common eSchoolPlus SIS student data fields.

Set up non-supported data fields via a manual data import or an automated import using SchoolSync™.

Disable your Clever student import

If your district has an existing Clever integration for student data, contact Clever support and request a date to disable it.

SIS ID is a required field to identify and match existing students in a PowerSchool data integration.

  • If migrating from the legacy Clever integration, confirm the student IDs in Naviance are the same as the student IDs in your SIS.
  • If migrating from the new Clever integration, PowerSchool recommends taking a screenshot of the Matching fields page of your current Clever student integration to ensure you use the same field mapping in the PowerSchool data integration.

Update SchoolSync

Remove any fields you will import via the SIS integration from your automated SchoolSync imports, and then update field mapping in Naviance.

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