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Configure the PowerSchool Data Integration

Follow the three steps to configure your data integration.

  1. Integration Setup
  2. Import Settings
  3. Manage Email Notifications
You must complete the SIS Integration Setup first. To receive an email notification for your first import, Manage Email Notifications next. Otherwise, complete the steps in order.

Student Integrations Only

If you are migrating from a Clever student integration to a PowerSchool student data integration, you must map the student ID to the same field in both the old and the new integrations to avoid issues with your student data when switching integrations. For example, if you mapped student ID to SIS ID in the original integration, you must map student ID to SIS ID in the new integration.

  • If you do not map student ID to the same field in both integrations, your student data will be scrambled.
  • The SIS ID is a required field to identify and match existing students. You must verify the information in Naviance and ensure the matching SIS ID is the same if you are switching from Clever to PowerSchool SIS integration.

To migrate from a Clever student integration to a PowerSchool student data integration:

  1. If using legacy Clever:
    1. Confirm you are using the same student IDs in Naviance and your student information system (SIS).
    2. Contact PowerSchool support to disable your Clever Student Integration to prevent running two integrations.
  2. If using the new Clever integration, take screenshots of the Matching fields page of your current Clever student data integration to ensure using the same field mapping in the PowerSchool SIS integration.
  3. Remove fields such as weighted and unweighted GPA from your automated data import with SchoolSync™, if you will import these fields using the PowerSchool SIS integration.
  4. Reset the Configuration in Naviance.

SIS Integration Setup

The SIS Integration Setup has two parts:

  • Integration Settings
  • School Matching

Integration Settings

  1. From Naviance District Edition, navigate to the gear icon and select Setup.
  2. Select PowerSchool Data Integration.
  3. Click Configure.
  4. From the Configure page, select SIS Integration Setup.
  5. Click Edit SIS Integration.
  6. From the SIS Integration Settings, select an option from the Select SIS list.

    If setting up a student data integration:

    • Install the Naviance plugin when using PowerSchool SIS version 21.10 or earlier.

    If setting up a staff data integration:

    • Clients with the Naviance Plugin of 1.2.4 in SIS are auto-upgraded to the latest plugin of 1.2.14. 
    • Clients with plugin versions below the base Naviance plugin or the required SIS version of 22.7.0 must upgrade the Naviance plugin.
  7. Enter the credentials you saved when enabling the Naviance integration in your SIS.

    Student Integrations Only

    If you currently have a Clever or PowerSchool Data Integration set up in Naviance, you must click Reset Configuration before continuing with the setup to ensure a successful student data import. Your existing Naviance data is not deleted, but your automated sync will be disabled.

  8. Click Test and Save, and then refresh the web page. If the connection is successful, the SIS Integration Status displays Connected.

School Matching

After you complete the integration and make the connection, match the schools between your SIS and Naviance.

  1. Select the SIS School from each list that aligns with the Naviance school name.
  2. Click Save.

    Every school, active and inactive, is shared with Naviance to provide a comprehensive selection list.

SIS Import Settings

Set up the import for your integration between Naviance and PowerSchool products based on Data Type.

  1. From Naviance District Edition, go to the gear icon, then select Setup.
  2. From the Naviance District Administration page, choose PowerSchool Data Integration.
  3. Click Configure.
  4. From the Configure page, select SIS Import Settings.

    Until you create a connection for the first time, all data type statuses display Disabled. All data types are listed, including those planned for future releases.
  5. On the SIS Import Settings page, click the pencil icon for selected data type.

There are four settings:

  • Match Fields
  • Define Codes
  • Sync Settings
  • Test / Start Import

Match Fields

Before matching fields, note the following:

  • Naviance automatically matches the most used fields in the SIS.
  • Do not use the Data Import feature in Naviance for data fields matched here.
  • Do Not Import is an option for non-required fields.
  • Add import fields not on the Match Fields page via a manual data import or via SchoolSync.
  • For a PowerSchool student data integration, the SIS fields of Students.FedEthnicity + StudentRace.RaceCD are used together by default to update the Ethnicity field in Naviance.
  • If you plan to use single sign-on (SSO) with students, you must import the data fields necessary for SSO setup. Ensure the Email and Federated ID are consistent with the IDP.
    • Username is a required field for student SSO and Alumni Login.
    • Only match this field if your students use SSO, log in to Naviance directly, or if alumni log in to Naviance directly.
    • For more information on managing student transition to Alumni, review the Alumni Management article.

Match the SIS data field with the corresponding field in Naviance.

  1. Choose an option from the Matching SIS Data Field list to match the Naviance Field.
  2. Click Next to go to the Define Codes page. Optionally, click Save and Close to return to the Configuration page, or click Save to save your work before moving on to the next part of the wizard.

Define Codes

  1. Review the list of possible values for each code and indicate how they are presented in your data. The data fields selected for import in the last step determine the options.
  2. Click the Select SIS Codes field and identify the code used in your SIS that matches the Naviance code.
  3. Select Next. If you click Save and Close, you will be returned to the Configuration page. Click Save to ensure your work is saved before moving to the next part of the wizard.

Sync Settings

Use these settings to determine the schools where the sync will be available, how often the data updates, and the rules around the import.

Sync Settings are not applicable for a Course Catalog import. 
  1. From the Available at Schools section:
    • Select All Mapped Schools if the automated import will happen for all mapped schools.
    • Choose Specify Schools and select specific schools from the list if the import will only occur for certain schools.
  2. From the Data Update Frequency section, choose an option from the list to determine how often the data share between Naviance and your SIS occurs.
  3. Select an option from the Import Rules section.

    To only include mapped roles in the log file, choose Include only mapped roles in the log file. This option is useful if your district has a large number of roles that are not being mapped from the SIS.

    If you want to troubleshoot, audit all roles from your SIS, or find staff members who are not included in the sync, do not select this option.

  4. Select Next. If you click Save and Close, you will be returned to the Configuration page. Clicking Save ensures that your work is saved before moving to the next part of the wizard.

Test / Start Import

Before starting the import, review the Import Summary to ensure you have addressed all steps.

  1. Click Start Import.
    • The status displays Validation in Progress until the import is ready to begin.
    • Naviance processes imports immediately.
  2. Click Done.
  3. From the PowerSchool Data Integration page, click Configure to return to the configuration settings.
When importing staff data, an email will be automatically sent to staff when their account is created, so they can set up their Naviance ID.

Manage Email Notifications

Decide who will receive import status notifications for each data type. The email Subject includes the import status, and the email message includes an Import Summary and a link to the Import log for more details.

  1. From Naviance District Edition, go to the gear icon, then select Setup.
  2. From the Naviance District Administration page, choose PowerSchool Data Integration.
  3. Click Configure.
  4. From the configuration settings, select Manage Email Notifications.
  5. Enter an email address in the Add Email Recipient(s) field.

    Optionally, click the pencil icon to edit the recipient's information. If adding multiple email addresses, separate the addresses with a comma.
  6. Click Add.

PowerSchool Data Integration Page

Access and manage automated imports that have started or are complete.

  1. From Naviance District Edition, go to the gear icon, then select Setup.
  2. From the Naviance District Administration page, choose PowerSchool Data Integration.
  3. Review the import status and any failures that may have occurred.
  4. Click the ellipses for the selected data type:
    • Select View Log to access an import Summary and Export Log, which includes the original file for troubleshooting. To review a log more than 30 days old, rerun the import.
    • Click Undo to inactivate any student records created by the import. Student records with fields updated via a manual update or SchoolSync will not be undone. Undo is only available for the last student import completed within the past 72 hours.

Review the alerts to resolve any duplicate student records or missing fields.

To match duplicate records:

  • If the potential matches are not correct, select Create Record to create the record based on the information in eSchoolPlus SIS.
  • If one of the potential matches is correct, select Match to match the eSchoolPlus SIS record with the Naviance record.
  • if you select an option by mistake, select Cancel Match to un-match the record. This option is only available before you process the updates.
  • Click Process All Updates to create and match records according to your selections. Unmatched duplicate records are not imported. These records remain in the Resolve Alerts section until you match the records and Process All Updates.

Leverage SSO for PowerSchool or eSchoolPlus SIS Integration

This option is not applicable for staff or course data integrations

You must set up SAML for student SSO. SAML setup supports the following SSO methods:

  • Google SSO (Google Waffle)
  • ClassLink SSO, using your preferred IDP such as Google
  • Clever SSO, using your preferred IDP such as Google
    • Clever SSO uses an external link in Clever, with student rostering via the eSchoolPlus SIS. This is not the Naviance-Clever integration.
    • The SAML connection is created in Naviance and then you will use the External Link feature in Clever to add Naviance.
    • To access the Naviance link that is needed for the Clever external link feature, set up student SAML and use the Bookmark URL.
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