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Set Up Student Readiness Indicators

To start using the Student Readiness Indicator (SRI) dashboards:

  1. Assign the permissions to staff user roles.
  2. Activate the SRI dashboard.

    If your district is managing activation, confirm that your school's SRI dashboard is activated.
  3. Manage SRI dashboard settings.
  4. Import or manually update SRI status for students.

Assign Staff User Role Permissions

To use Student Readiness Indicators (SRI) in Naviance, ensure the appropriate permissions are assigned to staff user roles.

District Level Permissions

Assign these permissions to district user roles as needed:

Administer Student Readiness Indicators - District LevelActivate district and school dashboards.
Edit Student Readiness Indicators (District)

Manually update individual student indicators at the district level.

Import district dataImport SRI data at the district level.
Export district dataExport SRI data at the district level.
View Analytics tabAccess district-level Student Readiness Indicators dashboards.

School Level Permissions

Assign these permissions to district user roles as needed:

Administer Student Readiness Indicators - School LevelActivate school-level dashboards.
Edit Student Readiness Indicators (School)

Manually update individual student indicators at the school level.

Import school dataImport SRI data at the school level.
Export school dataExport SRI data at the school level.
View Analytics tabAccess school-level Student Readiness Indicators dashboards.

Activate the Dashboard

Once activated, you cannot deactivate the SRI dashboard.
  1. Navigate to Analytics, then select Student Readiness Indicators.
  2. Click Manage.
  3. Click Activate.

  4. If activating from a district account, select the desired schools for which you want to activate the dashboards.

  5. Click Activate again. The student's name, ID number, and assigned counselor auto-populate the Student Details section of the SRI dashboard.

Manage Dashboard Settings

Edit District School Activation

  1. Navigate to Analytics, then select Student Readiness Indicators.
  2. Click Manage.
  3. Click Edit Active Schools.
  4. Select a school to activate or inactivate.
  5. Click Activate. The activation process may take up to one hour.

Manage Information About Student Readiness Indicators for Students

  1. Navigate to Analytics, then select Student Readiness Indicators.
  2. Click Manage.
  3. Navigate to Information for Students and add or update the text.
  4. Click Save Updates.

Import Data for Student Readiness Indicators

Student Readiness Indicators can be updated manually or via a data import.

Before importing data, review the Student Readiness Indicators templates. Download the import templates from the Naviance Knowledge Base in the PowerSchool Community. Select PowerSchool Community from the Get Help menu in Naviance to access the Community.

Select Naviance Student Settings

Select the following features so students can review Student Readiness Indicator data from the My Planner section of Naviance Student.

You must activate Student Readiness Indicators for schools first. Otherwise, the Select and Update Optional Features page does not display the option for Student Readiness Indicators.



My PlannerEnables the Planner menu and homepage.
Student Readiness IndicatorsEnables Student Readiness Indicator data.
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