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Course Planning

Course Planning Overview

Naviance Course Planner provides an avenue for schools and districts to fulfill Individual Learning Plan (ILP) requirements and align course plans with career pathways. Students have greater ownership over their middle school and high school course planning and are well-positioned for future career success.

  • Import course catalog data and course mapping, so students can browse their school's course catalog and favorite courses of interest.
  • Create Plans of Study, so students can select and build course plans.
  • Create Career Pathways, so students can add career pathways to their course plan.
  • Import student course data, so students can gauge their progress toward completing their course plan.
Review the Set-Up page for a complete list of set-up steps.

Prepare for Course Planning

  1. Assemble stakeholders who will have input on the settings and strategy for your Course Planner implementation.
    1. Review information on Course Planner setup, management, tracking, and Course Planning in Naviance Student.
    2. Finalize decisions around staff permissions.
    3. Determine how you will set up subject areas in Naviance.
    4. Decide how you will import course planner data.
    5. Consider plans of study to build.
    6. Consider career pathways to build.
    7. Decide on global grade settings and course plan approval options.
  2. Educate staff members on Course Planning in Naviance.
  3. Educate your student body on building course plans using related features in Naviance Student.
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