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PowerSchool SIS Student Course Data Field Mapping

Review the Student Course Data Field Mapping to learn how your PowerSchool Student Information System (SIS) fields match Naviance fields. After reviewing the field mapping, continue with the preparation steps.

Course history

OrderNaviance fieldRequirementDefinitionSIS data field optionsNaviance default field
1Student_IDRequiredThe student number known to students and staff. Do not use internally generated IDs.
  • [Students]Student_Number
2Course_IDRequiredThe local course number used in your course catalog.
  • [StoredGrades]Course_Number
3Grade_Level_TakenRequiredThe grade level of the student upon completion of the course. Use a digit to indicate the grade.
  • [StoredGrades]Grade_Level

The term during which the student is enrolled in the course.

The term is critical when importing multiple records for the same course in the same grade level for a given student, such as a record per semester for two semesters of Biology in grade 11 for student 82457.
  • [StoredGrades]StoreCode
  • (Do not import)
5Course_NameOptionalThe course name or title. The course name is displayed to students in Naviance.
  • [StoredGrades]Course_Name
  • (Do not import)
6TeacherOptionalThe course instructor's name.
  • [StoredGrades]Teacher_Name
  • (Do not import)
7Credits_AttemptedRequiredThe numerical value indicating the credits attempted for the course. The value is used to calculate credit deficiency.
  • [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs
8Credits_EarnedRequiredThe numerical value indicating the credits awarded for completion of the course. The value can include decimals.
  • [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs
9Letter_GradeOptionalThe letter grade awarded for completion of the course.
  • [StoredGrades]Grade
  • (Do not import)
10ScoreOptionalThe number grades awarded for completion of the course.
  • [StoredGrades]Percent
  • (Do not import)
11Course_StatusRequiredThe status must be Completed or In Progress.
  • (Static Value)
12SectionOptionalThe course section ID. The section is used to ensure duplicates are not imported.
  • [StoredGrades]SectionID
  • (Do not import)
13School_YearOptionalThe school year the student completed the course.
  • [StoredGrades]TermID
  • (Do not import)
14Credit_TypeOptionalThe credit type awarded for the course.
  • [StoredGrades]Credit_Type
  • (Do not import)

Current courses

OrderNaviance fieldRequirementDefinitionSIS data field optionsNaviance default field
1Student_IDRequiredThe student number known to students and staff, not an internally generated ID.
  • [Students]Student_Number
2Course_IDRequiredThe local course number used in your course catalog.
  • [CC]Course_Number
3Grade_Level_TakenRequiredThe grade level of the student upon completion of the course. Enter a digit to indicate the grade.
  • [Students]Grade_Level

The term during which the student is enrolled in the course.

The term is critical when importing multiple records for the same course in the same grade level for a given student, such as a record per semester for two semesters of Biology in grade 11 for student 82457.
  • [Terms]Abbreviation
  • (Do not import)
  • Select custom field
5Course_NameOptionalThe long description of the course name or title. The name is displayed to students when browsing the course catalog in Naviance.
  • [Courses]Course_Name
  • (Do not import)
  • Select custom field
6TeacherOptionalThe course instructor's name.
  • [Teachers]LastFirst
  • (Do not import)
  • Select custom field
7Credits_AttemptedOptionalThe letter grade awarded for completion of the course.
  • [Courses]Credit_Hours
  • (Do not import)
  • Select custom field
8Course_StatusRequiredThe number grades awarded for completion of the course.
  • Course_Status
9SectionOptionalThe course section ID. The section ID is used to ensure duplicates are not imported.
  • [CC]SectionID
  • (Do not import)
  • Select custom field
10School_YearOptionalThe school year the student completed the course.
  • [CC]TermID
  • (Do not import)
  • Select custom field
11Credit_TypeOptionalThe credit type awarded for the course.
  • [Courses]Credit_Type
  • (Do not import)
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